MJC Enrollment Services Phone (209)575-6853
EAST 435 College Avenue, Student Services Bldg. 1st Floor WEST 2201 Blue Gum Ave, Yosemite Hall 1st Floor
Credit By Examination Request
A student may request for credit by examination provided the student has evidence of training and/or
experience in that subject area. Contact the appropriate Division Dean for a list of courses that may be
challenged by examination. Should the request be approved, the grade will become part of the student’s
permanent record. The record will be clearly annotated to reect that the credit was earned by examination.
In order to challenge a course for credit by examination, a student must be in good standing as evidenced by:
1. Registration in other MJC credit course(s) at the time course is challenged.
2. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better for any previous college units earned.
Credit by examination will NOT be granted for a course:
3. If the units granted would cause the student to have completed more than 30 units of credit by
4. In which a student is currently enrolled.
5. In which a student has received a grade or a “W”.
6. In which a student has received AP credit.
7. That is below the student’s academic level or below course completed.
The student should confer with the Division Dean of the course subject area for procedures and standards
for ling a Credit by Examination request. A student who wishes to le for P/NP option must submit his/
her request at the time the Credit by Examination form is led. Units earned by examination do not count
toward the residence requirement nor do they count toward full-time status.
Requests must be led no later than seven weeks before the end of the semester. The current per unit
fee(s) will be charged for each course challenged. It is the students responsibility to check on the progress of
this request. (Note: A waiver of fee(s) may be granted based on Financial Aid Oce criteria.)
1. Student requests and completes the STUDENT portion of the form. Enrollment Services completes the
eligibility section of the form.
2. If approved, student takes the form to the appropriate division to complete the DIVISION DEAN portion
of the form. Requires Dean’s signature.
3. Student takes the completed form with the appropriate signatures to the Business Services Oce for
payment OR to the Financial Aid Oce for Fee Waiver verication.
4. Student schedules examination with Division’s Examiner. Examiner will complete REPORT OF
EXAMINATION section and issue grade. Requires Dean’s signature.
5. Division Oce submits completed form to the Enrollment Services Oce for nal processing.