Enrollment Verication Request
Submit completed form by email to MJCESeForms@mjc.edu, Electronically signed forms will ONLY be
processed when using your MJC Student Email.
The rst two verication requests are FREE (expedited processing excluded). There will be a charge for subsequent
verication requests. For expedited processing you can choose same day or two business day. See the MJC website
for pricing or ask an Enrollment Services sta member. When submitting this form using a personal email, Signature
MUST BE COMPLETED IN BLUE OR BLACK INK. Verication Requests will be processed within 5-7 business days from receipt of
request. Verications not picked up within 60 days will be discarded!
Please Note: Your enrollment verication will be based on the number of units you are enrolled in when Enrollment Services processes this request. Adding and/
or dropping classes between the time of this request and the actual processing date may aect the number of units reported on this verication.
Today’s Date:
Student Information:
First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name:
Student ID: w Birthdate: Phone:
Information to be Veried:
Enrollment Status - Semester/ Year to be veried:
Grade Point Average - Cumulative (unless otherwise stated)
Academic Program/Declared Major
Vehicle Insurance -
Must be full-time, includes current enrollment and a minimum GPA of 3.0 for the previous semester.
Check Only One Box for Type of Delivery:
Send to my MJC student email account Pick up in Enrollment Services Oce
Mail to address listed below
Name (Company or Self):
Attention To:
Mailing Address:
By signing below I understand I am giving consent for MJC to send my verication status to the information I listed or I must pick up the
verication in-person in the Enrollment Services Oce and must bring a valid picture ID and have a zero dollar balance.
Student Signature: Date:
Posted By: Posted Date: First Free Second Free RQSS
Processed By: Processed Date: Amount Owed: Paid
Student Signature: Date Picked Up:
Sta Initials: Date: Mailed Emailed
* Please bring your photo ID to pick up verication
*If you would like someone else to pickup your verication
please write their name below:
Note: Person listed above must bring valid photo ID and a
written letter signed by you in order to pickup your request.
MJC Enrollment Services • Phone (209)575-6853 • FAX (209)575-6859
EAST 435 College Avenue, Student Services Bldg. 1st Floor • WEST 2201 Blue Gum Avenue, Yosemite Hall 1st Floor
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