Notes on completion
Before completing this form, please refer to the LCN Fund Governance Document.
Please use the default font (Verdana font size 9) in your submission, the text entry
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contained within the boundaries of the text areas. The full-completed submission
should not exceed 4 pages
in total.
First Tier Pro-forma
Project title
Participant DNOs
Project summary
Please provide a narrative which explains the Problem(s) which being addressed by the Project.
Registration Date
SSET1005 - LV Network Modelling and Analysis Environment
Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD)
Southern Electric Power Distribution (Central Southern Region)
The low carbon future will require fundamental change across the entire energy industry and its
value chain. The anticipated changes in demand levels and load profiles will trigger challenges on
the networks including voltage and thermal constraints. This will cause problems on the HV/LV
network unless we can introduce solutions which are safe and able to be deployed quickly and
sustainably to deliver more capacity on the network.
This tier 1 project will identify, test, demonstrate and evaluate a low carbon network modelling
environment for a selected small sub-set of HV/LV network in the UK.
This project will answer the key questions relating to modelling and analysis:
(1) What suitable Power Analysis Tools currently exist?
(2) How can a DNO gain visibility of low carbon technologies being deployed which will affect the
LV network?
(3) Using Distributed Generation (DG) and Load Profiles, can an integrated geographical
information system and network analysis tool identify network reinforcement requirements?
(4) Will more accurate modelling and analysis of the network provide a sufficient assessment of
the impact that DG has on the HV and LV networks?
(5) Can this new modelling environment help identify optimum load-related capex requirements?
In addition to providing a useful methodolgy to DNOs. This project will also provide a foundation
for SEPD's New Thames Valley Vision and provide learning to other LCNF Tier 2 submissions.
The demand on the UK electricity network is expected to increase due to the anticipated
installationof local embedded generation and low carbon technologies such as electric vehicles,
solar arrays and heat pumps (ref: DECC Low Carbon Transition Plan).
The local Councils in common with other councils and customers, are now aiming to develop
lower-carbon economies and are keen to promote and acceralate the installation of such
technologies. As these technologies become increasingly mainstream, the rate of adoption is
expected to be accelerated on a national basis to date.
This will place additional strain on the HV and LV networks. At present, DNO's have little visibility
of the deployment of low carbon technologies.
Scope and Objectives
Please describe the scope and objectives of the Project should be clearly defined including the benefits which should directly
accrue to the Distribution System.
Success Criteria
Please give details of how the DNO will evaluate whether the Project has been successful.
This section should set out the Method or Methods that will be trialled in order to solve the Problem. The type of Method
should be identified where possible e.g. technical or commercial.
Problem(s) continued
This tier 1 project will put in place the foundation for SSE's Thames Valley Vision LCNF T2 project
to develop a Monitor, Model, and Manage approach, including providing the opportunity to identify
those HV/LV substations where LV monitoring is or will be required and identifying the customers
(by MPAN) who will most likely cause LV network load related reinforcement and/or demand
This project will utilse an existing Geographical Information System (GIS) as a basis to build a pilot Network Modelling
Environment. The GIS system will be populated, on a small scale, with existing low voltage network data and load
profile forecasting algorithms and finally integrated with a power analysis tool.
The power analysis tool chosen for the Network Modelling Environment will be evaluated from a list of leading analysis
packages and tested on their suitability to meet the particular requirements of this Tier 1 project.
The new Network Modelling Environment will provide low voltage network connectivity data with editing capabilities
to allow "what if" network scenarios to be analysed.
The Network Modelling Environment will aim to identify a "best fit" data gathering and modelling platform for both
networks and customers.
In order to evaluate the effect of embedded generation and low carbon devices on the HV/LV
network, this project seeks to demonstrate in a working environment a prototype capable of:
(1) recording and reporting on the deployment of low carbon devices;
(2) modelling the impact of deployed low carbon devices;
(3) managing multiple scenarios of low carbon LV networks;
(4) performing power analysis of these networks that includes distributed generation and load
profiles. An comparison of different power analysis engines is included in this project.
The project success criteria will be to analyse and report on:
(1) the modelling and analysis capabilities of the technologies involved;
(2) the delivered environment capabilities of analysing future scenarios, with estimated load
profiles and distribution generation take-up, facilitating the identification of HV/LV substations
that will most likely require reinforcement;
(3) a low carbon network DNO reporting structure to Ofgem.
The DNO should highlight any material, known risks that could impact the Project’s costs and/or programmes.
Scale of project
Please justify the scale of the Project. In particular, the DNO should explain why there would be less potential for new learning
if the Project were a smaller scale.
Geographical area
Details of where the Trial(s) will take place. If the Project is a collaboration, the DNO area(a) in which the Trial(s) take place
should be identified.
Potential for new learning
Detail what the parties hope to learn and how the learning will be disseminated.
This should be between 5-8 to be eligible for Tier 1 Funds.
Predicted start and end dates.
DNOs should provide an estimate of the expected project starting and completion dates.
Start Date: End Date:
Project partners and external funders
Please give details of actual or potential Project Partners and External Funding Support as appropriate
External Collaborator:
GE Digital Energy, Cambridge
University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, UK RG6 6AW.
The project will detail in a final report:
(1) how low carbon technology deployment can be recorded and integrated in a modelling
(2) how different network scenarios can be modelled and managed;
(3) how DG and load profiles can be used in a suitable power analysis tool to anticipate the low
carbon energy requirements of the future and ensure the network can meet those needs.
(1) There is a risk that analysis of several power analysis tools does not provide a suitable
candidate to support the project execution. In this case, mitigation will consist of one of the
(a) a simpler power analysis tool to be used or developed to support the trial
(b) an extension of the most suitable candidate to meet the project requirement
(2) A delay in the identification of a suitable power analysis tool may adversely impact the project
(3) The solution is found to be uneconomic.
This project will:
(1) analyse a small number of HV/LV transformers, which will provide the foundation for a larger
second tier project
(2) demonstrate a framework for reporting by producing three example reports
(3) consider three power analysis tools at the requirement stage, however only one will be
progressed to integration
Bracknell, Thames Valley, UK
Please tick if the project conforms to the default IPR arrangements set out in
the LCN Fund Governance Document?
The DNO should indicate if the Project does not conform to the default IPR conditions. A justification for alternative arrangements and why the Project
should still be approved must be provided, in accordance with paragraph 2.18 of the Governance Document.
Please tick if you do not consent to the First tier pro-forma being published in
If you do not consent please identify any information in the completed First Tier LCN
Project Registration that you do not wish to be published.
The DNO must demonstrate that it (or its Project Partners) will face commercial harm from its disclosure and that
information is considered eligible for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004.
All information submitted within the First Tier LCN Project Registration Pro-forma will be made available on the Ofgem
website, unless Ofgem has agreed otherwise as part of the Registration process set out above.
Estimated Project funding
An indication of the revenue allowed for within the DPCR5
settlement that is likely to be saved as a result of the project.
An indication of the total Allowable First Tier Project
Expenditure that the DNO expects to reclaim the for the
whole project.
Revenue allowed for in
the DPCR5 Settlement (£)
Indicative total Allowable
First Tier Project
Expenditure (£)
Please tick if the project involves making payments to related undertakings
The DNO must set out all payments that it proposes to make to itself or any Related Undertaking. Further, if a payment is to
be made to any Related Undertaking that is a Distribution System User, the DNO must demonstrate that it has offered the
same terms to similar Distribution System Users on the part of the network that is within the Project boundary and has used
reasonable endeavours to identify such Users.
Not applicable