The DNO should highlight any material, known risks that could impact the Project’s costs and/or programmes.
Scale of project
Please justify the scale of the Project. In particular, the DNO should explain why there would be less potential for new learning
if the Project were a smaller scale.
Geographical area
Details of where the Trial(s) will take place. If the Project is a collaboration, the DNO area(a) in which the Trial(s) take place
should be identified.
Potential for new learning
Detail what the parties hope to learn and how the learning will be disseminated.
This should be between 5-8 to be eligible for Tier 1 Funds.
Predicted start and end dates.
DNOs should provide an estimate of the expected project starting and completion dates.
Start Date: End Date:
Project partners and external funders
Please give details of actual or potential Project Partners and External Funding Support as appropriate
This project forms part of the Aberdeen Hydrogen Project which has a total cost of approx £20m.
The project has received significant public sector funding from FP7, TSB, Scottish Government
and Aberdeen City Council. Private sector partners include BOC Linde, Stagecoach and First
Group. This application only relates to the funding of the works on the distribution network, the
ANM scheme , learning capture and knowledge dissemination. For clarity the funding is not being
used to fund the purchase of the electrolyser or make any payment to the electrolyser operator.
The project will provide new learning in relation to the following topics:
1 - Factors influencing siting of electrolysers and their connection requirements, including
practical and technical characteristics
2 - Electrolyser operating profiles and their impacts on network peak demand
3 - Potential for developing operational and commercial strategies for electrolysers to minimise
any network impacts
4 - Potential for electrolysers to provide other network services
The SHEPD commitment is staged over the life of the project.
Risk 1 - Complex commercial, operational and regulatory relationships between organisations may
lead to significant delays or problems
Risk 2 - Consenting process for the electrolyser installation takes longer than anticipated and we
can not meet the expected timescales.
Risk 3 - Project identifies that there is limited opportunity for electrolysers to operate as
controllable demand, which limits the value of the project learning.
Scale of the Project:
The size of the proposed electrolyser is 1MWe and the proposed connection arrangement
represents a reasonable representation of the likely scale for the future growth of distributed
hydrogen production based on the UKH2Mobility Study. It is sized to have sufficient capacity by
2014 to produce the required hydrogen for ten buses to be operated in Aberdeen City centre but
with a higher degree of operational flexibility to allow the full range of planned electricity
distribution network trials to be evaluated. This will allow a fuller exploration of the potential
impact of the technology on the electrical network.
Geographical Area:
An important part of the project is to identify a suitable site where electrolyser technology could
be deployed. This will focus on the SHEPD network area. In particular, there is an identified
hydrogen demand (secured through the external funding) for ten fuel cell buses operating in
Aberdeen city centre and the site will be optimised to meet this demand.The location chosen will
provide a safe environment such that the trials can be carried out without any detrimental impact
on customers or security of supply.