Scope and Objectives
Please describe the scope and objectives of the Project should be clearly defined including the benefits which should directly
accrue to the Distribution System.
Success Criteria
Please give details of how the DNO will evaluate whether the Project has been successful.
This section should set out the Method or Methods that will be trialled in order to solve the Problem. The type of Method
should be identified where possible e.g. technical or commercial.
Problem(s) continued
ESS units with PCS on the LV network could manage power quality and reduce the peak demand / generation
to keep the cable within thermal limits. The units can also aid voltage regulation to remain within supply
guidelines. SEPD wishes to:
Understand and verify the technical benefits of ESS with reactive power capabilities on the LV network.
Generate knowledge of the practicalities of locating and operating ESS at street level, to inform NTVV delivery.
Inform future procurement exercises which will be part of NTVV
Demonstrate and learn from the control and operation of batteries on an LV system only.
De-risk future Street level ESS installations.
SITE IDENTIFICATION - the devices will be installed in conjunction with the SSE corporate project 'Zero
Carbon Homes'. The homes provide an excellent foundation to trial the batteries as there is a multitude of low
carbon technologies including 65kW solar array, heat pumps and electric vehicles. A suitable location close to
the homes has been agreed with SSE property dept.
OPERATION SPECIFICATION STAGE - Collaborative learning with emergency services, HSE etc. with regard
to the safe operation of these units
SITE PREPERATION WORKS - associated civil works for the battery installation and communications
infrastructure at the local substation.
COMMISSIONING PHASE - The units will begin with a basic charge / discharge profile to prove the units
operate as expected and is in line with G59 regulations and communications are functioning. This will then
advance to a thermal setpoint profile e.g. as the cable becomes 80% loaded the battery will charge and
discharge below this value. The final implementation will include autonomous voltage support using re-active
OUTPUT VALIDATION - SEPD will put the units through a rigorous test programme, the data from this will be
analysed to validate the trial. This will help to inform the larger rollout of the technology proposed under the New
Thames Valley Vision project.
Prove the batteries and power conversion units can operate as intended on an LV network in the UK and have a
tangible benefit electrically. Inform the establishment of the economic threshold for this technology.
Validate the technical specification to inform and de-risk the tendering exercise for the Tier 2 project
Define, test and prove the communications and the associated data transfer requirements for this small trial and
inform that required for a larger array.
Inform the safety case and the operational procedures including installation, maintenance and operational work
on a network with storage connected (faults, protection. live working, safety procedures etc.)
Inform decisions regarding the physical location of storage devices given public perception and acceptance.
Complete the G59 commissioning and functionality testing of the ESS units to pave the way for the large array
planned under the NTVV project.
Prove the ESS devices can successfully support voltage using the 4 quadrant power converter.
Use the ESS charge / discharge setpoints to peak lop both demand and generation.
Confirm communications and remote control of the devices from ENMAC