This poem template is inspired by George Ella Lyon’s “Where I’m From” poem.
Your Name __________________________________________________________
I am from (a specific item from your childhood home) ________________________
from (two products or objects from your past) _______________________________
I am from (a phrase describing your childhood home) _________________________
and (more description of your childhood home) ______________________________
I am from (a plant, tree or natural object from your past) _______________________
whose (personify that natural object)_______________________________________
I am from (two objects from your past) _____________________________________
from (two family names or ancestors) ______________________________________
and from (two family traits or tendencies) ___________________________________
from (another family trait, habit or tendency) ________________________________
I am from (a religious memory or family tradition) ___________________________
from (two foods from your family history) __________________________________
from (a specific event in the life of an ancestor) ______________________________
and from (another detail from the life of an ancestor) __________________________
(a memory or object you had as a child) ____________________________________
I am from the moments… _______________________________________________
(continue this thought or repeat a line or idea from earlier in the poem)