The Conductress steps back between Ruth and
Esther and after the prayer the Chaplain stands between
Esther and Martha. The Altar, as a pivotal point makes a
complete circle between the Star Points. A circle is a sign
of unending life. If they did not step back into their
positions the circle would be incomplete, and broken.
In Revelation 21:16, John tells of seeing “The City
Four-Square” the New Jerusalem. The Chapter
Room shall be “Four-square”, as a symbol of
integrity and fair dealing. We turn square corners in
marching as a symbol of living four square with God
and man.
A triangle is made between the Associate
Conductress, Conductress, and the Worthy Matron. A
triangle is also made between the Conductress, Associate
Conductress and the Associate Matron.
Clasping the closed Bible during initiation is a
symbol of secrecy.
It is proper when possible, for the Chapter Room to
face East and West. This is a symbol from Masonry,
because the Temple at Jerusalem, built by King Solomon,
faced the East. East is always a symbol of light. North,
from the earliest time of man, has always been considered
a place of darkness, lighted only by the North Star.
The Associate Conductress corresponds to John the
Baptist; she prepares the way of the Lord. Since
candidates must declare their belief in a Supreme Being,
and the way must be prepared for the Candidate to get the
most out of the initiation. The Conductress symbolizes
the Divine Friend who walks besides us through the
perilous journey of life.
In opening the Bible we open it to any book and
chapter generally near the center of the book.
The Dress Code
Female Officers may wear long dresses of the same
type and or color at the request of the Worthy Matron.
Male officers usually wear dark suits or Tuxedos. Officers
may dress more formally for special meetings such as
official visits, initiations and installation of Officers. Other
Female members who are not officers may wear dresses of
appropriate length, or skirt and blouse. Pants are only worn
at casual functions and practices (preferably no jeans).
Men should wear a dark suit when the ladies are in
formals. When it isn’t a formal meeting, a sport’s coat and
slacks are fine. In warmer weather more casual dress may
be allowed. The incoming WM will advise on what she
These are suggested attire. Should you be unable to
conform, do not hesitate to attend the meetings of your
chapter. Perhaps after work, time will not permit you to go
home and change. Your
chapter would prefer that you attend
in your “work clothes” rather than stay away because of
suggestions about attire.
Members are not permitted to wear hats or gloves.
In Eastern Star, a hat is considered symbolically as
something between the member and God. A glove is
considered something preventing a warm, friendly contact
with another member’s hand. In the congenial warmth of
the chapter, wraps are considered unnecessary; therefore,
overcoats, furs, and wraps are not worn.
All of the Dress code mentioned above is a matter of
custom. However, should a member show up in pants or
need a wrap or headdress, it would be an act of unkindness,
and therefore a violation of our obligation, to speak of this
custom at such a time. Only the Worthy Matron should
address the issue with the member.