Intellectual Property Certificate Application
This application must be submitted before the beginning of the third semester of classes for full-time students, or
the fifth semester of classes for part-time students, unless otherwise approved by the IP Center Director. Please
complete the following information, meet with the IP Center Director for course planning, and obtain
signatures approving your application toward admission into the Certificate program.
Name: __________________________________________ Student ID #: _______________ Date: _______________
Zips Email: ___________@zips.uakron.edu Cell Phone #: _________________________
Full-Time: Part-Time: Credits Completed Toward JD: _____________ Cumulative Law GPA: ___________
Undergraduate School and Degree: _____________________________________________________________________
Graduate School and Degree (if applicable) _______________________________________________________________
What area(s) of IP law do you wish to study and practice? _________________________________________________
What locale would you like to ultimately practice law? ______________________________________________________
What type of setting would you prefer? ________________________________________________________________
(law firm, government, in-house, other)
Do you plan to take the Patent Bar Exam? ___________________ If yes, when? __________________________
Do you plan to take the Bar Exam? _________________ If yes, which state? ______________________
When do you expect to graduate with your JD? (month/year) _______________
Once complete, please return this application and course selection, tracking, and approval list to Law
Student Affairs in the administrative suite to obtain the Assistant Dean’s signature. After the application has
been reviewed, you will be notified of admission status via UA email.
Signature of Applicant and Approval by IP Center
Director / Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Director of the Intellectual Property Center
Charles Oldfield
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Revised 7/31/2018