Akron Law offers non-degree certificate-seeking students the opportunity to specialize in intellectual property law
and to receive a certificate denoting successful completion of the requirements. Students must complete 12 required
credits, attain an aggregate cumulative 2.0 grade point average, and must work closely with an IP program faculty
advisor. The IP faculty advisor for the Intellectual Property Certificate is Professor Ryan Holte.
Student Name: __________________________
________________________ Date: __________________________
Student ID #: UA Zips E-mail: ___________ @zips.uakron.edu
To earn the Intellectual Property Certificate, the following courses and credit hours must be satisfied:
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law must be taken at the first available time in the student’s
Complete a minimum of 9 additional credits in courses designated below as part of the IP law
Patent Law & Policy
Trademark Law
Copyright Law
Trade Secrets
Licensing IP
International IP
Patent Prosecution
Complex IP Litigation
Current Issues Affecting IP Law
International Patent Law
International Patent Prosecution
Patent Office Litigation
Patent Claim Construction
IP Valuation
IP Externship: _________________________
International Business Transactions
International Trade
Corporate Legal Department Skills
Antitrust Law
First Amendment Law
Sports Law
Entertainment Law
Business Planning
IP Indiv. Studies & Research (ISR)
Other: _______________________________
Course approved by IP Advisor: _______
Students who have previously completed approved IP courses at Akron Law are able to count up to 6 credits toward
the IP certificate if they received credit for those courses within 3 years of starting the IP certificate program.
Course approved by IP Advisor: _______
Course approved by IP Advisor: _______
Fulfillment of the certificate program requires completion of 12 required credits and an aggregate
2.0 GPA in all courses taken to earn the certificate.
Certificate Requirements Successfully Completed:
IP Faculty Advisor Signature Date
n requirements for the certificate are complete, please submit this form for processing to Law Student Affairs in the
law school’s administrative suite.