The School of Law offers J.D. students the opportunity to specialize in Health Law and to receive a certificate
denoting successful completion of their requirements. Students must be admitted into the certificate program by a
Health Law advisor and Assistant Dean, must attain a cumulative 3.1 grade point average in all certificate courses,
and must work closely with a Health Law faculty advisor. The faculty advisors for the Health Law Certificate
Program (HLCP) are Professors Dan Glessner and Christopher Goff.
Students intending to enroll in the HLCP must first meet all eligibility requirements as set forth on page 2, the Health
Law Certificate Course Selection, Tracking and Approval Form. After eligibility has been established between the
student and the faculty, the student must:
• Com
plete this HLCP application including page 2, with dated signatures
• Obtain admission approval from Assistant Dean of Student Affairs by submitting to Law Student Affairs in
the Dean’s Office.
essential aspect of earning a Certificate is the close working relationship between the student and the faculty
advisor as part of an enhanced learning experience justifying awarding a Certificate. Students are encouraged to
submit applications to enter certificate programs as early as the second semester of full-time attendance and the
fourth semester of part-time attendance. The earlier a student begins working with a faculty advisor, the better.
A student shall submit the certificate application (and course selections approved by the faculty advisor for the
certificate) to Law Student Affairs during February of the second year of law school (full-time) or February of the
third year of law school (part-time). The faculty advisor for the certificate may waive the deadline only upon
determining that the student would be able to fulfill all of the requirements of the program and that the student
would be able to work with the faculty advisor to achieve the enhanced learning experience that the program is
intended to provide.
Timely submission of the entire application packet is a prerequisite to earning a Health Law Certificate. Failure to
comply with any requirement may result in failure to earn a Certificate.
Please fill out the following information, see the Health Law faculty advisor for counsel and obtain that advisor’s
signature approving your application toward admission into a program. Return this signed application including
page 2, the Health Law Certificate Course Selection, Tracking and Approval Form to the dean’s office for the
Assistant Dean’s signature and final approval.
udent Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Student ID #: _________________ UA E-mail: ___________
Law Cu
mulative GPA: ____________ Total Credit Hours Completed: ______________
__________________________________________ ____________
Signature of Student Date
___________________________________ ____________ _______________________________________________ _______
Signature of Certificate Program Advisor Date
Approval Signature of Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Date
After your application has been reviewed, you will be notified of your admission status via your UA email.
The Health Law Certificate is awarded concurrently with the Juris Doctor (JD) degree. Return this completed form with all FINAL
signatures to the law school Dean’s Office when you have completed the requirements, BUT NO LATER THAN the conclusion of
your JD coursework. We will perform the final audit and request the awarding of your certificate through the Office of the University
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