The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, DC 20500
Enter your name here
Enter street address here
Enter City, State, Zip Code here
Enter today's date here
President [Enter First, Last Name]
Dear President [Enter last name of President] ,
I am writing to inform you of [insert specifics about the cause or issue you want the president to know about].
This is a [cause/issue] that I feel very strongly about because [explain why the cause is one that you are
passionate about, such as how it has impacted you or others and/or how widespread its impact may be].
I am asking for your support in [please specify exactly what kind of action or support you are requesting, such
as raising awareness to the issue or cause, urging Congress or other entities to support legislation or allocate
funding, asking for a meeting at the White House, etc.].
[Add additional key points as relevant; omit if not needed.]
Thank you for your consideration of this important [cause/issue]. With your support, I am confident that [specify
what outcome you expect to occur as a result of reaching out to the president]. You may reach me at the above
address, or at [insert phone number] or [email address]. Thank you for your continued leadership and service to
the United States of America.
[Your First Name] [Your Last Name]