Company Information
Contact Name:
Shipping Address:
City, State:
Phone Number:
VAT Number (EU only):
Zip Code: Country:
Fax Number:
Order Number:
• The prices quoted above are net amounts and do not include packaging, transport, and tax.
• For larger quantities, other materials, or custom designs please ask for a quote.
• Slight variations in the microstructures by +/- 3-4 µm may occur.
Product Number Material
Unit Price
Product Description Quantity
Total Price
Total amount without shipping cost and potential minimum quantity surcharge:
Minimum quantity surcharge for orders below €250: €15.00
Shipping charges (please choose):
Provide courier account number:
microfluidic ChipShop prepay and add to invoice (see estimation below**)
Credit card fee: 3.5% on total invoice amount
Total amount:
* Minimum order volume: €250 (below this amount we charge a €15 minimum quantity surcharge)
**Estimated shipping charges: Germany: €15-30 / EU: €20-60 / RoW: €60-120
Credit Card Payment:
A credit card fee of 3.5% of the invoice amount applies.
VISA MasterCard Card Number:
Expiration Date (MM/YY):
Name of Cardholder:
Billing Address:
City, State:
Zip Code: Country:
Security Code:
Date, name in block letters, signature
8. Order form
FAX: + 49 (0) 36 41 347 05 90 Email:
Stockholmer Str. 20 07747 Jena Germany
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