Child’s Name: Child’s DOB:
Parent Name:
Tel Number:
Home Address:
Email Address:
Party Type:
Start Time: End Time:
Food Selection (if applicable): Total Children Attending:
Preferred date & time: Option 1: Option 2:
Terms & Conditions
1. If you are assigned a Party Host or Instructor for your party they will not be responsible for the supervision of the children, they are there to
provide the activity only.
2a. The Hosting Parent remains responsible for the supervision of all the children attending their party.
2b. The Hosting Parent is responsible for the supervision of children attending a pool party in line with the Centre’s admission policy.
3. Payment must be made according to the details shown below.
4. Bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable.
5. Wereservetherighttocanceland/orrescheduleanybookingwhichwehaveconrmedtoyoucausedbyeventsbeyondourreasonable
control, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible.
6. Ifyourpreferredpartytimeanddateisunavailablewewilloeryouournextbestoption.
Party Application Form
Centre Address & Centre Tel. No:
1. Please complete this form and email/post to your chosen leisure centre.
2. Wewillcontactyouwithin5daysofyourApplicationtoconrmyourpartybooking.
3. Writtenconrmationofyourpartywillbesenttoyouwithfurtherinformationabouttheday.
I sign to conrm I have read the Birthday Party Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them.
Customer Signature:
Print Name: Date:
Oce Use Only:
Payment / Deposit details below: