Purpose and Intent:
The City of Moorpark supports the ongoing operation of businesses during the COVID-19
pandemic. The Outdoor Commercial Services Permit authorizes the temporary outdoor
operation of businesses that have been prohibited from operating indoors as a result of a
state or local public health orders. This may include hair and nail salons, certain office
uses, gyms, retail, and other businesses offering services to the general public that are
unable to do so indoors or remotely.
Applications to operate outdoors will be evaluated and approved, if it is determined that the
business can operate subject to the listed conditions of approval and the following findings
are determined by City Staff:
A. The proposed outdoor operation will not constitute a nuisance to adjacent
properties, adjacent businesses, nor adjacent outdoor uses, and will not result in
noise, odors, vibration, dust, light, nor smoke;
B. The proposed outdoor operation complies with all state and local public health
orders, including but not limited to social distancing, disease prevention,
ventilation, and sanitization requirements. The proposed use shall be separated
from other outdoor uses by no less than six feet and shall maintain all required
public paths of travel and accessways; and
C. Uses occurring on the public right-of-way are limited to reception, waiting areas,
and similar uses that are not likely to impair the movement or safety of the public.
Uses that involve hazardous materials, client care services, or other potentially
disruptive activities must be conducted on private property and shall be subject to
the conditions of approval defined by the permit. Uses occurring in the public
right-of-way shall be limited to the area directly adjacent to the business frontage
and shall not be placed adjacent to neighboring business frontages without prior
written consent of such business.
Steps to Approval:
1. Complete permit application form with applicant and owners’ signatures;
2. Provide site plan (may be drawn on an aerial photo) on 8 ½” x 11” paper. Site plan
needs to identify and dimension the business, proposed outdoor service areas,
adjacent outdoor uses, table, chair and other furniture locations, utilities like water or
electrical, all proposed improvements, and all clear pedestrian walkways and vehicle
paths of travel. Identify any loading areas and accessible parking stalls near the
outdoor service area for context. Consider the proximity and compatibility between
existing outdoor uses and the proposed use. Include information on plans that shows
that potential conflicts between uses and impacts are minimized. This could include
additional barriers, separation, tent covering, etc.;
3. Submit application to Freddy A. Carrillo, Associate Planner II at
fcarrillo@moorparkca.gov; and
4. Application will be reviewed within one business day.
Please Print or Type:
Business Name: ________________________________________________________
Business Address: ______________________________________________________
Business Phone Number: ________________ Email: _________________________
799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021
Phone: (805) 517-6224