COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California 93021
Main City Phone Number (805) 517-6200 | Fax (805) 532-2540 |
No. of Copies
Universal Application (Project Information Questionnaire)
1 (wet signature)
Assessor’s Parcel Map (with subject property outlined)
Site Plan*
Floor Plan*
Digital copies of all submittal materials (flat pdfs saved on a flash
drive or provided via weblink)
Planning Permit Application Fees (All checks payable to “City of
*Title blocks must be visible (showing name of the project and title of sheet). All plans must be internally consistent with regard to layout, setbacks, etc.
Additional copies of plans may be required after completeness review.
**Verify required fees with Planning Division staff.
Working with City of Moorpark Community Development Department
Our goal is to help you develop the best project possible, while meeting the City’s goals and policies
and complying with relevant laws and regulations. We understand that processing your application
with minimal delays is important to you, and it is important to the City as well.
In the course of preparing an application for submittal, we strongly encourage you to reach out the
Community Development Department early and often. We are here to help, and welcome the
opportunity to work with you to answer your questions and make the process proceed as smoothly
and predictably as possible. Contact us at (805) 517-6230 or if you
have any questions regarding your application.
City of Moorpark Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Application Submittal Requirements
Revised 4/6/2020 Page 2
Show the subject property clearly outlined or highlighted.
Assessor’s parcel maps are available at the County of Ventura Assessor’s Office, 800 South Victoria
Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1270. Parcel maps may also be obtained online at:
Scale (for example 1" = 100' or less, based on engineering scale) with a north arrow. Provide “Reference
North” if true north is not perpendicular or parallel to the property lines. All plans (site, floor, landscape and
engineering plans, etc.) shall face the same direction (preferably with north to the top or left of the page).
Title block including applicant's name, name of project (if any), project address, tract number and subdivision
name (if applicable) and revision date.
Property boundaries, dimensions (length of property lines). Show and label any property lines to be removed
or moved, and new property lines to be created.
Existing land uses, buildings and other structures (show as an outline on the plan), including walls, fences,
and other improvements located on the project site and within 50 feet of the project boundaries. Identify by
type, such as single- family residence, retail store, office, 6-foot-tall block wall, garage, etc.
A table listing in square feet, acres and percentage: 1) building coverage; 2) impervious area(s); 3)
landscape area(s); and 4) total land area 5) the number of parking spaces required (for each land use type)
and number of spaces provided (by type), including standard, accessible, bicycle and motorcycle parking
spaces. Refer to Section 17.32 Off-Street Parking Requirements of the Mooprark Municipal Code.
Required and proposed building setback dimensions, from building(s) to all property lines and between
buildings. Show all required setbacks as dashed lines.
Height and materials (e.g., slumpstone, vinyl, wood, etc.) of existing and proposed walls and fences.
Location, size, type (pole-mounted, building-mounted, etc.), and lighting type (fluorescent, LED, etc.) of all
exterior light fixtures.
Label and provide dimensions of landscape planters (existing and proposed).
Type of proposed paving materials, including asphalt, concrete, scored concrete and enhanced pavement.
Parking areas, showing dimensions, intended users (e.g., employees, customers, visitors, etc.), and
striping/markings for parking spaces, painted arrows, loading areas, drive aisles, and driveway throats.
Show location of standard, motorcycle and handicap parking spaces, as well as location of bike racks. The
specifications for parking space size and striping must be shown on the site plan. (Use the specification
figures from Section 17.32 Off-Street Parking Requirements of the Moorpark Municipal Code.)
Identification and dimensions of loading areas and loading area striping, including ridesharing facilities.
Location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts on the site, within 50 feet of the project
boundaries, and across the street from the site.
Location of any existing or proposed transit/bus stops within 50 feet of the project boundaries and across the
street from the site. Show existing/proposed transit stop amenities (i.e., shelter, bench, bike racks, trash, and
Identification and dimensions of existing and proposed sidewalks, curbs and streets.
Width and configuration of streets (including striping, deceleration lanes, left-turn pockets and medians, etc.)
from which the development has access, and within 50 feet of the project boundaries.
Location and identification of amenities, including site accessories and furnishings to be included in any
outdoor private or common areas. Include outdoor seating areas, fountains, trash and recycling containers,
and other similar street furniture.
Location, size, intent (e.g., tenant identification, directional, project identification) of existing and proposed
directional, freestanding and monument signs.
Identification and dimensions of trash and recycling enclosures.
City of Moorpark Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Application Submittal Requirements
Revised 4/6/2020 Page 3
Existing and proposed building dimensions (outside of wall to outside of wall).
Existing and proposed use, dimensions and square footage of each existing and proposed room, including
dining area, bars, restrooms, kitchen areas, utility closets, offices, etc. Show a fixture and seating layout if
project is a restaurant, church or any use with fixed seating. Provide fixture and shelving layout for stores
and other uses with such items. If applicable, show location of alcohol storage, coolers, and shelving. Show
dance floor or entertainment areas, if applicable.
Location of doors and windows. Specify purpose of doors, such as main entrance, employee entrance, etc.