Handrails & Grab Bars
Yes No
Do you have grab bars in tubs, showers, and near all toilets?
Install grab bars by the bathtub, shower, and toilet. Never use a
towel rack or shower rod for support.
Yes No
Are there sturdy handrails on both sides of the stairs?
If not, ask for help securing loose handrails to the wall, or installing
new handrails along the full length of both sides of the stairs.
Shoes & Mobility Devices
Yes No
Do you wear high heels, loose shoes, or slippers?
Wear sturdy, well-tted, low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles. These
are safer than high heels, thick-soled athletic shoes, slippers, or
stocking feet.
Yes No
Do you use a mobility device (cane, walker, or wheelchair)?
Make sure your mobility device has been tted for you. Consult your
medical care provider.
Oregon State Police • Ofce of State Fire Marshal
4760 Portland Road NE • Salem, OR 97305-1760
503-934-8266 • osfm.ce@state.or.us
For life threatening emergencies, call 9-1-1
For information about fall prevention and safety, contact your local medical
provider or visit: www.oregon.gov/OSP/SFM/CommEd_SR_Program.shtml.
Having a medical alert system can ensure
that help arrives more quickly.
Post your medical history and medication list
on your refrigerator or other visible area.