Is the site located within the Clean Water Services Boundary (CWS)?
If no, has an application for annexation to the CWS boundary been filed with CWS?
Storm Sewer
Please indicate the approximate size and distance to the nearest public water and/or sanitary sewer line:
Existing Land Use: Number of single-family units
Number of Multi-family units
Number of commercial structures
Square Feet
Number of industrial structures
Square Feet
State whether or not the property to be annexed is adjacent to the City of Forest Grove city limits.
Describe how the annexation:
Promotes the timely, orderly and economic provision of public facilities and services;
Would affect the quality and quantity of urban service; and
Whether the annexation would eliminate or avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities or services.
Criteria and Decision Factors for Concurrent Zoning Map Amendment
Describe how:
The zone change requested is consistent with the Forest Grove Comprehensive Plan Map.
The zone change is consistent with the relevant goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as identified by
the Forest Grove Community Development Director.
The site is suitable for the proposed zone and there is a lack of appropriate designated alternative sites within
the vicinity.
The zone change is consis
tent with the adopted Transpo
rtation System Plan. Development
allowed by the
zone change will not substantially impact the functional classification
or operat
of transportation facilities,
or reduce the level of service of transportation facilities below the
minimum acceptable level identified in the
Transportation System Plan.
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Total existing population residing within area subject to annexation
Please describe in general terms the reason for requesting annexation to the City of Forest Grove including general plans
for future development (timing and type of development):
Please indicate which of the following services are currently provided to the property
Sanitary Sewer
The annexation application must include a written response to both the annexation and zoning map amendment approval
criteria and decision factors identified below. Please use a separate sheet of paper for your responses and attach it to the
annexation application packet.
Annexation Application Approval Criteria and Decision Factors