Member #:
Desired 4-digit PIN #:
eKEY Monthly Fee Schedule
Primary Services Included
Basic Service
Send and receive electronic feedback on showings
Program KeyBox access hours
Beam showing notes, highlights and business cards into your iBox (lockbox)
Track and edit KeyBox inventory by number, shackle code, and MLS listing #
Total amount (with tax) debited on the 17
each month
Provided through Stellar MLS mobile app
Professional Service
Automatically retrieve updated MLS information nightly
Custom search MLS by listing #, street address, or buyer preferences
contact information
View who has shown your listings
Create client profiles to easily show them exactly what they want to see
Signing below grants permission to charge your credit card or debit your account a one-time application fee
of $53.25 and $17.01 monthly fee. (Monthly lease amount will be collected by Supra.)
Payment method
American Express
Credit card # Expiration date Security code
Billing address City State Zip
Member signature Mobile phone brand and model
Email application to or fax to 407.293.6083. Allow 24-48 hours for processing.
Once processed, you will receive your temporary pin or authorization code.
MEM:SUPRA:Forms:Supra eKEY Application.docx
Supra eKEY
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KEYHOLDER, member of: __________________________________________________ UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.
Keyholder Name: _______________________________________ By:
Keyholder ID: _______________________________________ Vice President & General Manager
4001 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Keyholder Acknowledgement: _____________________________________________________ Salem, Oregon 97302-1142
I. Product/Service:
Key or Service Billing Frequency System Fee* Billing Due Date
*System Fees shown above are exclusive of all applicable tax and any annual increase
II. Payment Options:
Electronic Invoice – I acknowledge that I will receive notifications regarding the invoices due and payable under this Agreement electronically
at the following
email address: _______________________________
Automatic Charges* – I elect to have the following credit, debit, or bank account automatically charged on the due date for any fees due and
payable under this Agreement. Supra may elect to receive the payments up to ten (10) days after the due date.
Debit/Credit Card: _______________________________________
Debit/Credit Expiration Date: _______________________________
*Keyholder authorizes Supra to charge the credit, debit, or bank account shown above _________________ for all recurring fees until Keyholder
terminates this Agreement or notifies Supra in writing of a change in payment option or account information. Keyholder may change the payment option
at any time during the Term of this Agreement by: (i) contacting Supra at 877-699-6787, (ii) logging in to SupraWEB at, or (iii) notifying Supra in writing of such change. If Keyholder desires to (i) close, terminate, cancel, or
change the credit, debit, or bank account selected for billing, Keyholder shall be required to notify Supra in writing of such intent forty-five (45) days prior
to such change and deliver a new credit, debit, or bank account information.
Keyholder may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Supra in writing of such intent to terminate and: (i) returning all Equipment and any
component of the service which has been provided to the Keyholder under this Agreement, (ii) deleting any copies of Software from Keyholder’s
personal computers and personal devices, and (iii) paying any amounts previously owing prior to such termination including any liquidated damages for
the failure to return the Equipment. Upon termination, System Fees which would have become owing after the date of termination of this Agreement are
released and discharged by Supra.
Keyholder shall not be entitled to a refund of: (i) any unused portion of any System Fee for use of service previously paid, (ii) any Activation Fee, (iii)
Replacement Insurance fees, (iv) late payment fees, or (v) fees for payments that are returned unpaid or for insufficient funds or credit.
Keyholder Acknowledgement: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
Authorization for recurring payment
Orlando Regional RA
UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc. Phone: 877-699-6787
4001 Fairview Industrial Dr SE
Salem, OR 97302
Order Confirmation Form Rev. 4.23.15
Supra Order Confirmation Form
KEYHOLDER, member of: _________________________________________________________________
Keyholder Name: __________________________________________________
___________________ State: ______ Zip:_________
Email: ___________________________________________
Order Details:
Your Order Amounts to
My signatu
re below constitutes acknowledgement of my understanding and agreement to the following:
The order information above is accurate and complete.
My payment will be processed electronically and will include all applicable tax.
I received the product(s) listed above if applicable.
I have read and agreed to all terms and conditions stated in the Keyholder Agreement.
_____________________________________________ ________________________
Keyholder Acknowledgement Date
Description Amount
Activation Fee (One Time) $50.00
Orlando Regional REALTOR® Association
eKEY Basic
Order Date:
Account Number: (Last 4-Digits of CC)
Member/Agent ID:
Key Serial Number: (STAFF ONLY)
Tax ID: 06-1340453
$50.00 Plus Tax
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Supra Keyholder
Rules and Regulations
Read and sign the end of the form:
1. Poss
ession of Key: Each keyholder may possess ONE KEY at a time. If a key is lost or requires replacement for any
reason, the replacement cost for the key shall be the replacement price set forth in the lease.
2. Current Update Code: The
key has an update code that expires daily to prohibit further use of the key until a new
current update code is obtained from Supra or the administrator (ORRA) (as defined in the Administration
Agreement) and entered into the key. Update codes shall be issued only to keyholders in good standing with the
organization. A keyholder is in good standing if he or she is in full compliance with all obligations related to the
Service, including, without limitation, the Administrator’s (ORRA) membership terms and these rules and
3. Security of Equipment: It
is necessary to maintain the security of each key and the Personal Identification Number
(“PIN”) of each key to prevent the use of the key by unauthorized persons. Each party in possession of a key,
whether such key is being actively used or not, shall abide by the following conditions:
a. To keep the key in such party’s possession or in a safe place at all times;
b. No
t to allow the PIN for the key to be attached to the key for any purpose whatsoever or to be disclosed to
any third party;
c. Not to lend or otherwise transfer the key to any other person or entity, or permit any other person or entity to
use the key for any purpose whatsoever, whether or not such other person or entity is a real estate broker or
sales person;
d. Not to duplicate the key or allow any other person to do so;
e. Not to assign, transfer or pledge the key;
f. Not to destroy, alter, modify, disassemble or tamper with the key or knowingly or unknowingly allow anyone
else to do so;
g. To notify the administrator (ORRA) immediately in writing, and in any event within 48 hours, of a loss or theft
of the key or any KeyBoxes, and of all circumstances surrounding such loss or theft;
h. To complete and deliver to the administrator (ORRA) a stolen key affidavit (provided upon request by ORRA)
prior to and as a condition of the issuance of a replacement key;
i. To follow all additional security procedures as specified by the administrator (ORRA); and
j. To safeguard the code for each KeyBox from all other individuals and entities, whether or not they are
authorized users of the Service.
4. Authorization: Be
fore a KeyBox is installed or used on any piece of real property, prior written authorization to
install or use a KeyBox must be obtained from the property owner, as well as from any tenant(s) in possession of
the property, if applicable. Extreme care shall be used to ensure that all doors to the listed property and the
KeyBox are locked. All owners and/or tenant(s) of real property shall be informed that the KeyBox is not designed
or intended as a security device.
5. Statement of Administrative Procedures and Operating Standards:
Each keyholder and the organization
acknowledges that the use of the service is also subject to the terms and conditions of the administration
agreement and that failure of supra or the administrator to perform any of their respective obligations under the
administration agreement may detrimentally affect such party’s use of the service. Each keyholder and the
organization expressly waives any right to exercise any right or remedy arising under, relating to or by virtue of any
default by any person under the administration agreement and/or under any other agreement executed and
delivered in connection with the use or leasing of the service. Each keyholder and the organization further
acknowledges and agrees that the administrator may exercise any remedies any of them may have under the
administration agreement.
6. Acknowledgment: Ea
ch party using a key, KeyBoxes or the service hereby acknowledges that neither the service,
the KeyBoxes nor the keys, or any other Supra product used in connection with the service is a security system. The
service is a marketing convenience key control system, and as such, any loss of keys or disclosure of personal
identification numbers compromises the integrity of the service and each party agrees that it will use its best efforts
to insure the confidentiality and integrity of all components of the service.
7. Misuse of Supra Key: Any misuse of the Supra Key will be considered a violation of membership duties under ORRA
a. All keyh
olders are strictly forbidden to lend their keys to any individuals for any reason.
b. In the event that the keyholder’s misuse has been noticed to the Association, the following actions will apply:
(1) Notice will be given to the keyholder of the apparent misuse, with the opportunity for the user to appear
before the Board of Directors to show cause why his/her key privileges should not be suspended or
terminated and a fine levied.
(2) The following penalties may be applied:
First offense: Fine up to $1,000 and his/her key service may be turned off for a period of up to six
Second offense: Fine up to $5,000 and his/her key service to be terminated for up to three years.
c. ORRA may refuse to lease a key or may terminate existing keys held by an individual convicted of a felony or
misdemeanor if the crime, in the determination of the board of directors, relates to the real estate business or
puts clients, customers, or other real estate professionals at risk.
8. Misuse of Lockbox:
Any misuse of the Lockbox will be considered a violation of membership duties under ORRA
a. Lockb
ox violations shall include, but are not limited to, unauthorized use of the lockbox, as outlined below:
(1) Not replacing the house key and/or lockbox key container.
(2) Leaving the lockbox on the property after the listing expires and/or closes or change of ownership. The
lockbox must be removed within five calendar days after closing and/or expiration or termination of
listing contract; after the five days, removal of the lockbox by the new listing broker is permitted.
(3) Taking the key from the lockbox of a former listing agency to put in a new listing agency’s lockbox
without written authorization of the seller.
(4) Allowing an unauthorized person to use a lockbox. An unauthorized person is defined as someone not
authorized by the listing agent, including but not limited to members of the public, customers, or clients.
(5) Handing over the house key to another agent for showing after your showing.
(6) Unauthorized removal of the lockbox.
(7) Entering a lockbox property without proper authorization from the listing office.
(8) Compromising the security of the property and/or the integrity of the system.
b. In the event the lockbox holder’s misuse has been noticed to the Association, the following actions will apply:
) Notice will be given to the lockbox holder of the apparent misuse, with the opportunity for the user to
appear before the board of director or a subcommittee of the board of directors, approved by the
chairman of the board, to show cause why his/her lockbox privileges should not be suspended or
terminated and a fine levied.
(2) Those members found in violation may be fined up to $1,000, but not less than $50 per offense.
I have read and understand the Supra key regulations.
________________________________________________________ Member #:
________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________
MEM:SUPRA:Forms:Supra key rules and regulations with lockbox regulations.doc
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W:\MEM\SUPRA\Forms\Cooperating Association Request.docx