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Locals may make application to the Provincial Executive for funding assistance for local
Locals are responsible for filling out the Local Project Fund application form and providing
details on the purpose of the project, including goals and objectives (what are you trying to
achieve?), specific timelines (start and end dates) and a proposed budget.
Locals are accountable to the Provincial Executive. On completion of a project or campaign,
locals must report the results, both successes and shortcomings, including a final financial
statement, within two (2) months of completion of the project. It is anticipated that the major-
ity of projects would occur within a single fiscal year.
Efforts will be made to accommodate as many locals as possible. More than one application
per local may be considered, in special circumstances, but priority will be given to locals who
have not previously received assistance within the current year.
When applying for financial assistance, locals must also consider cost-share arrangements
to assist with the campaign/project.
Applications will be considered based on specific local needs. Projects could include a
variety of things, such as:
Improving communication networks at the local level finding out “how best to keep in
touch”, or “what do members want to know?”
Finding ways to involve more members in various union activities and to keep them
interested and engaged.
Implementing a mentoring system that will assist in developing the skills of new or
young activists.
How to connect with the broader community and other organizations.
How your local can get more involved in your own community, maybe sponsor a sports
team, help organize a Pride event, Red Dress event, collect food items for the local
food bank, or plant an HEU community garden plot.
Initiatives should benefit your specific local and in turn, HEU as a whole. We encourage you
to be as creative and imaginative as possible.
Locals may request assistance from the Provincial Office in helping to design and
implement a particular project, if needed.
All local projects must receive prior, formal approval from the P.E. before they
commence, and must not contravene the Constitution and By-Laws or any policies of
the Hospital Employees’ Union.
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Please note:
Expenditures on an event that has already occurred prior to approval will not be
The Local portion of the cost share must be approved by the membership at a
meeting with quorum.
It is advisable to submit the application as early as possible as requests over $1,000
must be approved by the Provincial Executive at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Make it fun, celebrate your successes, and help build your local!
Local Name: _______________________ Date of Application: ________________________
Explain the proposed project to build your Local:
What is your Local trying to achieve?
Proposed Start Date: ______________ Anticipated End Date: _________________
Who will be involved in the organization? Positions held, if any, in the Local:
______________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________ ___________________________________
How many Members will be involved? _____________________________________________
Is staff to be involved? How?
Who else will be involved?
Additional Notes
Lost Wages ___________________________________________________________________
Equipment ___________________________________________________________________
Supplies _____________________________________________________________________
Community Outreach/Advertising _________________________________________________
Other Assistance requested (please be specific) _____________________________________
Resources requested from the Provincial Office ______________________________________
Total $ ____________ Cost Share Amount Requested $ ____________% split _____________
_________________________________ ___________________________________
Local Secretary-Treasurer - Print Name Local Chairperson Print Name
_________________________________ ___________________________________
Local Secretary-Treasurer Signature Local Chairperson Signature
ACCEPTED or DECLINED: ______________________________________________________
DATE: ______________________________________________________________________
COMMENTS: _________________________________________________________________
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