Page 5 of 6 Rev. 10/2019
1. Provide a matrix/table demonstrating that the project meets development standards after proposed changes (e.g.
minimum landscape %, FAR/lot coverage, minimum number of parking spaces etc).
2. Names of utility purveyors and school district(s) including providers of water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone, and cable
3. Names, locations, right-of-way widths, and improvements of adjacent existing and proposed streets and the
approximate grades of proposed and existing streets and approximate street centerline radii of curbs. If private streets
are proposed, they shall be noted on the tentative map.
4. Typical street improvement cross-section and City standard #.
5. Table indicating area and density calculations with percentage breakdowns, including total area involved, total building
area divided by uses, (if applicable), total parking or paved area, total landscaped area, total recreation, and/or open
space area. Identify proposed parking spaces.
6. Labeled common areas, open space, and recreational areas, with location, dimensions, acreage, any known proposed
uses, and name of proposed owner(s) or entity (ies) who will maintain these areas.
7. Labeled landscaped areas with dimensions and spacing of proposed planters.
8. Square footage calculations per floor and total for each building shown, and per dwelling unit, as applicable.
9. Shaded path of travel for Fire/Emergency access.
CONCEPTUAL GRADING: (if changes are proposed)
1. Names of utility purveyors and school district(s) including providers of water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone, and cable
2. Location, widths, and improvements of existing and proposed public utility, easements, transmission lines, power and
telephone poles, and underground utilities on or abutting the property.
3. Names, locations, right-of-way widths, and improvements of adjacent existing and proposed streets and the
approximate grades of proposed and existing streets and approximate street centerline radii of curbs. If private streets
are proposed, they shall be notes on the tentative map.
4. List and accurately show all easements of record (by map or instrument number).
5. Streets, alleys, and right-of-ways providing legal access to the property.
6. Typical street improvement cross-section.
7. Existing topography of the property, with the source(s) of the contour lines identified. The contour lines shall extend 300
feet beyond the exterior boundaries of the subject property when adjacent property is unimproved or vacant. When
adjacent property is improved or not vacant, contour lines shall extend beyond the exterior boundaries of the subject
property a distance sufficient to determine compatibility with adjacent property. Maximum contour interval should be
five feet. Flood Control District and Transportation department base maps are acceptable sources of information.
Topography from U.S.G.S. maps may be used only when more detailed information is not available. Additional
topography may be required if deemed necessary.
8. Preliminary grading including all cut/fill, slopes to scale with setbacks from structures and property lines, the elevations
of all individual building pads, the elevations at the perimeter of the subject property, conceptual drainage facilities
(including the location of terraces, terrace drains, down drains, brow ditches, V-ditches, and lot to lot drainage facilities),
existing topography, and the relationship to adjoining land an development, and any existing grading.
9. Spot Elevations (proposed finished elevations) sufficient to demonstrate that streets, driveways, parking lots, and
drainage grades meet minimum requirements. Spot elevations may be necessary at street intersections, end, and cul-de-
sacs; beginning and end of all driveways, parking lot outer limits, entrance and end points, and at all grade breaks.
10. When subsurface septic sewage disposal is intended, include and identify the primary sewage disposal system and its
100% expansion area. Identify any proposed cuts and/or fills in the areas of the sewage disposal systems, the elevation
of the individual building pads such that there will be gravity feed to the sewage disposal system, and statement signed
and with seal, as to the appropriateness of the grading plan with regard to the soils percolation engineer’s report. Said
statement may be attached to the grading plan or placed upon a blue line copy of the grading plan.
11. Note whether or not land is subject to liquefaction or other geologic hazard, or is within a Special Studies Zone.
12. Note whether or not land is subject to overflow, inundation, or flood hazard.
13. FEMA mapped floodplains and floodways including zone designation.
14. Drainage Plan. The Conceptual Grading plan shall include a conceptual drainage plan showing how all on-site and off-site
storm water will be conveyed through the property. The exhibit shall clearly label points of concentration where flows
enter or exit the site and indicate the amount of runoff (cubic feet per second – CFS) and the tributary drainage area
(acres) at these points. The drainage plan shall acknowledge offsite construction required to collect flows and to