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Residential Site Development Plan and Architectural Review: The purpose of the Residential
Development Site Plan review is to ensure the development complies with the City’s development
standards for residential development as established in the Development Code (Section 16.08, 16.28,
16.34, etc.) and/or applicable Specific Plan. The process is intended to promote compatibility in
planning and building design in the community and to encourage implementing developments with a
high level of design quality.
The review will address development of each lot within the subdivision and how the grouping of houses
within the street/block relates with each other to provide a varied street scene. It includes detailed
information on the location of the houses, setbacks, driveways, and landscaping areas. A review of the
architecture will be conducted as part of the application; therefore, staff will review the proposed floor
plans, elevations, colors, materials, and roof plans.
Residential Site Development Plans are not typically applicable for Planned Residential Developments
(PRD’s), Multi-Family applications, and other instances where the review of the units/residences are
required as part of the subdivision application (such as a Tentative Map with a PRD or a Development
Plan application for an apartment/condominium application).
Fence and Wall Plan Review: The purpose of the Fence and Wall Plan review is to ensure fence and wall
locations comply with all Development Code standards as identified in Section 16.22 (Fences, Hedges,
and Walls), Section 16.08 (Single-Family Residential Design Standards and Themes), tentative map
conditions, mitigation measures, and safe traffic sight distance setbacks within the development.
Environmental Compliance: The environmental analysis necessary to comply with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the development contemplated with the Residential Site
Development Plan (RSDP) application is typically addressed in the environmental document prepared
with the tentative map. Therefore, the RSDP is required to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program (MMRP) adopted with the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Mitigated Negative
Declaration (MND), Negative Declaration (ND), or Exemption (NOE) from the processing of a Tentative
Tract Map or Parcel Map application. The RSDP will need to demonstrate compliance with any
mitigation measures established from the MMRP. If the proposed project is derived from a TTM or PM
that was approved over 5 years ago or recorded over 5 years ago, it is recommended to consult with city
staff prior to submitting the Residential Site Development Plan application.
s:\planning\wp\forms\planning applications\10-2012 updates\temp-working\residential site development plan.doc