Eastside Christian School, Bellevue WA 5 | Page
Eastside Christian School is thoroughly committed to evangelical Christian doctrine and standards of conduct.
Accepting the fundamentals of the Christian faith, it stands unequivocally for the (1) the inspiration of the Old and
New Testaments, (2) the deity of Christ, (3) the need and sufficiency of the atonement, (4) the new birth through a
repentant heart by the Holy Spirit, (5) the need and glorious possibility of the born-again Christian being so cleansed
from sin and filled with the love of God by the Holy Spirit that one can and should live a life of victory over sin, and (6)
the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eastside Christian School is committed to the Christian philosophy which
acknowledges in God an eternal and unchanging authority external to man and to society. It is a way of life which
maintains that fellowship with God through Jesus Christ is the strongest impetus toward one’s self-fulfillment. Socially,
Eastside Christian School represents a community in which individual behavior is guided by the standards of personal
health, moral integrity, social consequences and the effectiveness of the Christian witness. For one or more of these
reasons, the school does not permit on the part of its employees a lifestyle which includes: (1) The use of tobacco, (2)
Engagement in illegal acts, such as those involving drugs or gambling, or (3) Participation in activities which disrupt the
mission and purpose of the school and its activities. All employees are expected to model Christian behavior as
representatives of the school.
The purpose of Eastside Christian School is to operate a high quality Christian private school in order to
• Help students to grow and mature in Christian faith
• Help students discover God’s plan for their lives
• Provide strong academics for each student
• Help students to become productive citizens for our country and
• Help our students to be a transforming influence in our community
It is our desire to seek these purposes guided by wisdom and strength from God.
Please read the Doctrinal Statement and Statement of Purpose above. State specifically
how your personal philosophy agrees or differs with these:
Do you consider yourself to be an evangelical (“born again”) Christian? Yes ____ No ____
Please describe what this means to you (response required): _________________________
Describe your present church membership and activities (response required): ___________
I understand that: (1) falsification of information in this application may result in its cancellation and, if employed, may be cause
for dismissal, (2) employment is subject to satisfactory reference and employment checks, and 3) we are an “at will” employer
guaranteeing no minimum or maximum lengths of employment. As such, we have the right to dismiss, with or without cause,
and you have the right to quit with or without cause. In this case, the customary two-week’s notice of termination does not
apply to either party.
Date: ______________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________
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