Stormwater Plan Submittal Checklist
Applicants for all projects requiring the development of a Golden Valley stormwater management plan must complete this checklist.
Please provide a comment for any item checked with a no.
Site name Date submitted
Address PID
Site size (acres) Area of disturbance (acres) Existing impervious (acres) Proposed impervious (acres)
Yes No N/A
1. Has an NPDES Construction General Permit been obtained?
2. Are wetlands shown on plans, and has wetland permitting been completed?
3. Is any work being proposed within a DNR Public Water?
If yes, have all applicable permits been obtained?
4. Are any other permits necessary and have they been obtained?
Tree Preservation
Yes No N/A
1. Are the following standards shown for when a Tree Preservation Permit is required? (See Tree Preservation ordinance
for more requirements and information.)
2. Are all signicant tree removals on site identied, tallied, and located, with the tally shown graphically on plan?
3. Are all locations of tree preservation fencing required by ordinance specications shown? (Heavy-duty silt fence can
also be used for tree protection.)
Physical Development Department - Engineering | 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427-4588
763-593-8030 | 763-593-3988 (fax) | TTY: 763-593-3968 |
Plan Details
Yes No N/A
1. Are the north arrow, street names, and lot and block numbers for property or subdivision included?
2. Is the location of benchmark, based on the City/County benchmark system, included?
3. Is there a key with all line types, symbols, shading, and cross-hatching denoted?
4. Is there an illustration key showing symbols for all information pertaining to lot and building design (including grades,
easements, lot and block, setbacks, etc)?
5. Is the plan scale (shown graphically on a bar scale) in the proper format (1 inch = 20 ft, 30 ft, 40 ft, or 50 ft)? Plans in
other scales will not be reviewed.
6. Is the total area of subject property shown, with subtotals of disturbed and undisturbed areas (tabulation permitted)?
7. Are the subject propertys boundary lines, lot lines, and right-of-way lines shown?
8. Are all existing and proposed drainage and utility easements shown?
9. Are all man-made features, including existing and proposed buildings, structures, and paved areas shown?
10. Are all existing storm sewer facilities within 150 ft of the subject parcel shown?
11. Are all proposed storm sewer facilities (including grades and size of structures) shown?
12. Are all existing and proposed natural features shown, including, but not limited to, signicant trees and tree lines,
wetlands, ponds, lakes, streams, drainage channels, and oodplain?
13. Are all setbacks and buers for wetlands, ponds, lakes, streams, and oodplains shown?
14. Are all adjacent plats, parcels, rights-of-way, and section lines extended a minimum of 150 ft (50 ft for single family
home construction) beyond the subject parcel in all directions shown?
Yes No N/A
1. Are the topography details in a minimum of two-foot contour intervals with existing contours as dashed lines and
proposed contours as dark, solid lines, labeled at each edge of the plan and at other appropriate locations?
2. Is the standard lot benching detail shown where appropriate (maximum slopes: 3:1)?
3. Are the direction arrows indicating swales and lot drainage patterns (with percent grades along drainage swales)
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Elevation Information
Yes No N/A
1. Are the proposed top of curb elevations at lot corners and driveway or entrances shown?
2. Are the nished spot elevations at all high and low points shown?
3. Are the proposed elevations at garage and lowest oor for proposed buildings shown?
4. Are the proposed nished ground elevations around home for nal grading shown?
Temporary Erosion Control
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Ye s No N /A
1. Does the plan show the location of erosion control measures (with standard detail plates and maintenance information
for each)?
2. Are temporary rock entrances/exits for all vehicle access points shown (provide detail)?
3. Is the perimeter silt fence shown? Silt fence and/or rock checks should also be placed along swales or slopes greater
than 50 feet in length (are ends of silt fence up slope).
4. Is the type of each storm sewer inlet protection and location graphically shown?
5. Are temporary sediment basins shown?
6. Does the plan provide temporary measures to stabilize the soils no later than 14 days after the construction activity in
that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased, and no later than seven days after construction activity
in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased when discharge points on the project are within one
mile of a special or impaired water and ows to that special or impaired water? Options for temporary or permanent
stabilization may include erosion control mat, ber blankets, netting, temporary seed, or temporary mulch.
7. Are soil stockpile areas (indicating temporary stabilization measures) shown?
8. Is street sweeping required?
9. Does the plan include a note indicating that all adjacent streets will be swept daily, or as directed by the City, to
remove all accumulated materials? Failure to perform any street sweeping within 24 hours of notice by the City
will result in the work being performed by the City and all associated costs billed. The City also requires removal of
accumulated materials on streets during winter.
10. Does the SWPPP include an erosion and sediment control inspection schedule along with a person responsible for
conducting inspections and ensuring maintenance is being performed?
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Final Stabilization
Yes No N/A
1. For new resident construction, is required vegetated stabilization present from the front curb line to the back of
the structure for the entire width of the lot? Show seeding and/or turf establishment locations and specications,
including type of seeding (permanent, temporary, dormant); seed type and application rate; fertilizer type
and application rate; mulch type, application rate, and method of anchoring; specications for installation and
maintenance of erosion control mats, blankets, or netting; note requiring seeding/restoration to be completed within
48 hours of nal grading; location of all areas to be vegetated.
Wetland Impacts
Yes No N/A
1. Is there a delineation of wetlands prepared by an approved wetland specialist and eld-veried/approved by the
2. Are there two copies of the WCA applications, sequencing, wetland delineation, and impact/mitigation reports?
Floodplain Impacts
Yes No N/A
Note: Building or lling in the oodplain is generally not allowed.
1. Are ood elevations and locations shown?
2. Is there a cut/ll diagram and earthwork computations for work in oodplain?
3. Is there an illustration showing that the lowest oor is a minimum of two feet above oodplain?
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Stormwater Management Plan
Yes No N/A
1. Has a subwatershed delineation map been provided for the existing and proposed conditions?
2. Have modeling calculations been provided comparing the existing and proposed runo conditions for the 2-year, 10-
year, and 100-year 24-hour storm event using Atlas 14?
3. Has the directly connected impervious been modeled separately (Composite CN Approach)?
4. Has o-site drainage been included and accounted for with modeling calculations?
5. Are skimmer structures being proposed on the outlets of all ponds?
6. Has a maintenance plan been provided to satisfy the requirements of the City of Golden Valleys maintenance
Volume Control
Yes No N/A
1. Does the plan provide volume control (1.1” of retention from new impervious surfaces)?
2. What is the required volume?
3. What is the proposed volume?
4. Soil Borings
Do the design inltration rates match the soil conditions?
Is there at least 3 feet of separation to seasonally high groundwater or bedrock?
Will the proposed system draw down within 48 hours?
5. Has pretreatment been provided for prior to the discharge to all proposed inltration/ltration features?
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Water Quality
Yes No N/A
1. Is volume control provided?
If yes, then are water quality requirements satised?
2. If volume control is not provided, does the plan provide for water quality in accordance with Option 1, 2, or 3 as
specied in the City of Golden Valleys Stormwater Plan Standards.
If yes, which option?
3. Was the MIDs Design Flow Chart used to determine what option would be used?
4. Is an appropriate water quality model provided to demonstrate compliance (P8, PondNet, WinSLAMM, etc)?
Stormwater Treatment
Yes No N/A
1. Has the BCWMC reviewed new development and redevelopment to evaluate compliance with the MPCAs MIDs
performance goals (which are adopted by the Commission as water quality management standards), including the
MIDs’ exible treatment options for when volume control is unattainable as dened in the MIDs design ow chart?
2. Has the BCWMC reviewed projects that are proposing to impact creeks or lakes?
Maintenance Plan
Yes No N/A
1. Is there a maintenance plan that shows how access to the site will be provided, identies who will be performing
maintenance, and describes the type and interval of maintenance to be conducted?
2. Have easements been obtained that will allow access for the responsible party and City of Golden Valley sta to
inspect and maintain the facilities?
3. Has a maintenance agreement been provided that can be executed by the City of Golden Valley and the applicant?