Plan Details
Yes No N/A
1. Are the north arrow, street names, and lot and block numbers for property or subdivision included?
2. Is the location of benchmark, based on the City/County benchmark system, included?
3. Is there a key with all line types, symbols, shading, and cross-hatching denoted?
4. Is there an illustration key showing symbols for all information pertaining to lot and building design (including grades,
easements, lot and block, setbacks, etc)?
5. Is the plan scale (shown graphically on a bar scale) in the proper format (1 inch = 20 ft, 30 ft, 40 ft, or 50 ft)? Plans in
other scales will not be reviewed.
6. Is the total area of subject property shown, with subtotals of disturbed and undisturbed areas (tabulation permitted)?
7. Are the subject property’s boundary lines, lot lines, and right-of-way lines shown?
8. Are all existing and proposed drainage and utility easements shown?
9. Are all man-made features, including existing and proposed buildings, structures, and paved areas shown?
10. Are all existing storm sewer facilities within 150 ft of the subject parcel shown?
11. Are all proposed storm sewer facilities (including grades and size of structures) shown?
12. Are all existing and proposed natural features shown, including, but not limited to, signicant trees and tree lines,
wetlands, ponds, lakes, streams, drainage channels, and oodplain?
13. Are all setbacks and buers for wetlands, ponds, lakes, streams, and oodplains shown?
14. Are all adjacent plats, parcels, rights-of-way, and section lines extended a minimum of 150 ft (50 ft for single family
home construction) beyond the subject parcel in all directions shown?
Yes No N/A
1. Are the topography details in a minimum of two-foot contour intervals with existing contours as dashed lines and
proposed contours as dark, solid lines, labeled at each edge of the plan and at other appropriate locations?
2. Is the standard lot benching detail shown where appropriate (maximum slopes: 3:1)?
3. Are the direction arrows indicating swales and lot drainage patterns (with percent grades along drainage swales)
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