4d Aordable Housing Program-Application Page 1 of 2
Completing this application does not automatically qualify your property for the 4d, or Low Income Rental Classification (LIRC) tax status in
Minnesota. Upon review and approval of your application, the City will submit the required documentation to Minnesota Housing for final
approval and award potential grant dollars. The application must be filled out completely. Incomplete information may result in processing
delay or rejection of the application.
Applications must be received no later than Sat, Feb 29, 2020, to be considered by the City and to leave time for submission to Minnesota
Property & Owner Information
Minnesota Housing D# (if applicable) Ownership entity name or name of property owner (first, middle, last)
Property owner’s mailing address (street address or PO box) City State Zip
Name of eligible property (project)
Primary address of eligible property (street address) City State Zip
Primary phone Primary email
County PIDS
List the county parcel ID numbers (PIDs) and parcel addresses that identify the primary address above. If there are more than two PIDs, list
any additional PIDs and addresses on a separate sheet and attach it to this application. If you are unsure of your property’s PID, you can
find it through the county website here: www.hennepin.us/residents/property/property-information-search.
PID Address City State Zip
PID Address City State Zip
Qualification For 4d (LIRC) Status
Selected applicants will qualify for Low Income Rental Classification (LIRC) status in Minnesota by:
1. Signing a participation agreement with the City of Golden Valley
2. Recording a 10-year aordability declaration against the property eective late March 2020, expiring late
March 2030
Initial below if you agree to:
_________ sign a participation agreement and declaration against your property in accordance with the
Program Guidelines
_________ authorize the City of Golden Valley to submit the recorded participation agreement and signed
declaration to Minnesota Housing with your LIRC application
Physical Development Department-Planning | 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427
763-593-8055 | FAX: 763-593-8109 | TTY: 763-593-3968 | www.goldenvalleymn.gov
Data Practices Advisory
The City of Golden Valley will use the data you supply in this application to assess your qualifications for the Golden Valley 4d
Aordable Housing Program. If you provide the requested data, some or all of the data will become public under the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). This data is not legally required, but the City will not be able to process or approve your
application without it. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13.59, the following information is private or non-public information when provided for
the purpose of determining eligibility of a property for class 4d: individual income information and lease information. The data you
supply may be shared upon court order or provided to the state or legislative auditor.
I certify that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that it will be used by the City of Golden Valley as part of
my property’s or properties’ LIRC tax classification application.
The following documentation should be attached with this application in order to move forward with Minnesota Housing’s LIRC
Application, which the city will complete on behalf of the property owner, in addition to covering the first year’s application fee (up to $150):
Signed Participation Agreement
Signed Aordability Declaration
Rent Roll*
*You must include a rent roll for any units at your property you wish to have designated under the 4d tax status. The rent roll should
show the current rents for the designated aordable units.
4d Aordable Housing Program Application Page 2 of 2
This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request. Please call 763-593-8006
(TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formats may include large print,
electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc.