Residential Construction Management Agreement Page 1 of 2
This agreement applies to all construction projects of demolition, new build, or major building additions of all residential dwelling structures in the city.
Physical Development-Inspections Department | 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427
763-593-8090 | FAX: 763-593-3988 | TTY: 763-593-3968 | |
1. Hours of Operation: Operation of con-
struction equipment is allowed only
from 7 am to 10 pm. The City encour-
ages that no work take place after 7
pm to minimize resident complaints.
2. Tree Protection: When reasonable,
protective fencing shall be installed
around all boulevard trees and/or
trees along lot line that are intended
to be saved. To determine whether a
tree preservation plan must be submit-
ted, contact Public Works at 763-593-
8030. The approval tree preservation
plan must be followed when appli-
3. Stormwater Management: The con-
tractor shall conduct all activity in a
manner designed to minimize surface
runo, erosion, and sedimentation.
Proper erosion and sediment control
measures shall be provided per the
approved Stormwater Management
Plan to prevent soils from being
deposited onto adjacent properties,
rights-of-way, public storm drainage
systems, wetlands, or watercourses.
The contractor is responsible for pre-
venting or minimizing the potential for
unsafe conditions, flooding, or siltation
4. Dust & Dirt Control: Tracking of dirt
onto public roads during hauling and
general day-to-day construction op-
erations will require periodic sweeping
of these roadways. Soil and sediment
deposited onto public and/or private
pavement areas shall be removed
periodically and at the end of each
work day. Sweeping may be ordered
at any time if conditions warrant. The
contractor is responsible for all dust
control eorts and shall be required to
respond appropriately to any verbal or
written notice from the City regard-
ing dust control. When feasible, the
contractor shall, in repairing or tearing
down buildings or in removing debris
from any buildings, keep all such
debris, when appropriate, thoroughly
dampened with water to prevent the
dust there from flying around the
neighborhood where any such build-
ing is located.
5. Street Obstruction & Commercial
Vehicle Parking: Contractor/employee
parking shall comply with all appli-
cable parking regulations, including
but not limited to compliance with
no parking zones or other on-street
parking restrictions as well as snow
emergencies and winter parking
restrictions. The contractor shall
comply with all snow removal, snow
emergency, and street maintenance/
repair regulations for street usage and
sidewalk clearing. Minnesota State law
requires a 5-foot parking setback from
driveways and a 30-foot setback from
intersections. Golden Valley City Code
prohibits parking a vehicle within 10
feet of the point of the curb nearest
a fire hydrant. Vehicles not subject to
commercial vehicle parking restric-
tions are encouraged to park on one
side of the street to minimize resident
6. Damage to Surrounding Properties
and Right-of-Way: The contractor is re-
sponsible for repairing any damage to
public streets, sidewalks, boulevards
(including trees), land, curbs, gutters,
or sewers. The contractor shall pro-
vide pictures of the existing conditions
of the curb, sidewalk, street, boule-
vard, and boulevard trees adjacent to
the property before any demolition
or construction begins. If damage
occurs or if pavement is disrupted, the
City must be notified immediately to
determine the repair method, sched-
ules, and fees. Public Works can be
reached at 763-593-8030. It is ad-
vised that adjoining public and private
property be protected from damage
during construction, remodeling, and
demolition work.
7. Deliveries & Stockpiling of Materials:
All deliveries to the site shall be per-
mitted within approved hours of oper-
ation, on an as-needed basis. Limited
stockpiles of building supplies located
on-site must be neat and orderly, with
materials that will be used within a
reasonable amount of time. No materi-
als may be deposited or stockpiled on
the public streets, boulevards, alleys,
or sidewalks without the proper Right-
of-Way Permit.
8. Debris Control & Waste Removal: All
debris will be contained on project
site. Regularly scheduled trash and
debris removal shall be completed by
the contractor during the course of
construction. Equipment and materi-
als not used on the work site shall be
promptly removed, and the site shall
be maintained in a neat and orderly
condition at all times. All cans, contain-
ers, paper, plastic, etc not needed for
construction shall be removed and
cleared from the site.
9. Noise Reduction: All contractors shall
plan for and eectively implement
measures that prevent adverse ef-
fects upon adjacent property owners,
including the public right-of-way. The
contractor shall implement reasonable
measures to mitigate nuisance noise
by limiting use of noise generating
equipment and vehicles and avoid
using such equipment in immediate
proximity to an adjacent residential
use to the extent reasonable.
10. Plan Requirements & Changes: An
approved/stamped set of construction
plans shall be present and available
on site at all times.
11. Stop Work Order: If the building of-
ficial, City engineer, or designee finds
any work regulated by the Code being
performed in a manner contrary to the
provisions of the Code or in a danger-
ous or unsafe manner, he or she may
issue a stop work order. The stop work
order shall be in writing and issued to
the owner of the property involved,
to the owner’s agent, or to the person
doing the work. Upon issuance of a
stop work order, the cited work shall
immediately cease. The stop work
order shall state the reason for the
order and the conditions under which
the cited work will be permitted to
Project address
Building permit number Date issued
24-Hour phone Work phone Cell
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that they are responsible for complying with the conditions listed below, which can be found in
City and State Codes. Failure to do so may result in fines and/or construction delays. The undersigned shall make all sub-contractors
aware of these regulations. This agreement must be present on-site at all times during active construction. Failure to post and follow this
agreement may result in fees/fines and/or immediate stop work orders.t
Permit holder’s name (please print)
Permit holder’s signature
Residential Construction Management Agreement Page 2 of 2
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