Eligibility Information
Admission to Palo Verde College is open to anyone who is a high school graduate, who possesses a GED Certificate, or who holds a High
School Equivalency Certificate. Those who are not high school graduates or do not have one of the equivalency certificates, but who are
eighteen (18) years of age and show evidence of being able to benefit from instruction, may attend the college.
Students currently attending High School may also register for classes at the college as special part-time students. Through this program
PVC is providing an opportunity for qualified high school students to study in advanced-level instructional areas not offered at their present
school, as well as getting some degree work completed early.
All high school students that wish to participate are required to file a current admissions application and the Special Admission Request for
High School Students form prior to registration. In addition, those students below 11
grade must have approval from the Petitions
Committee, and the college governing board. Enrollment in some courses will be limited (i.e. classes full, equipment limitations, safety
regulations and enrollment in physical education courses not allowed).
Policies and Requirements for Special Admission
1. Students must attend the minimum day at their primary school.
2. Students wishing to enroll in PVC classes must complete assessment testing prior to registration. Students are required to meet
all course prerequisites.
3. Students participating in this program do so under the direction of their school principal (attendance and grades will be
forwarded to the Palo Verde High School registrar per the Inter-District Educational Services Agreement). The regional
academic program manager’s approval is required for participation by home school students. Parents may not act as the
academic program manager. Home-schooled students also must provide copies of forms their parents have submitted to the
California State Superintendent of Public Instruction verifying they have notified the state appropriately of their student’s
home-schooled status.
4. Most applicants who are accepted to PVC will be allowed to enroll in any course for which they are recommended; however,
enrollment in some courses will be limited (i.e. classes full, equipment limitations, safety regulations and enrollment in physical
education courses is not allowed).
5. All PVC students are responsible for complying with the rules and regulations of the college as published in the PVC catalog
and schedule of classes.
6. Enrollment in the special admission program will establish a permanent college record. Courses taken for college credit may be
used to meet high school graduation requirements; however, this determination is solely made by the primary school district.
7. The Special Admission Request for High School Students must be turned in each semester along with the admissions
application prior to attending classes. Those students below 11
grade must also petition the college for board approval.
8. Parents or guardians for high school students are not permitted to enroll, drop, or add classes without specific written permission
from the student.
9. The Palo Verde Community College District Board has approved the waiver of resident enrollment fees for special part-time
high school students (Ed Code 76300). Registration of high school students is limited to 11.5 units per semester or 5.5 units for
summer session (high school students enrolled full time will be required to pay enrollment fees for entire course load).
10. Security should be a primary concern for parents of high school students who attend the college, particularly after dark. Faculty
can not be expected to wait with students until their ride arrives.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above policies and requirements. Additionally, I will ____ will not____ grant permission
for my parent or guardian below to take enrollment action on my behalf or request transcripts. If granted, permission will only be
granted for the term covered by this permit. (You must indicate a choice of either will or will not in the statement above.)
_____________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________
Student Signature Student Name (Please Print) Date
I have read, understand, and agree to the above policies and requirements. Additionally, I understand that student records may be
accessed or released only with written authorization from the student.
_____________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print) Date
*Complete both sides of form*