DC Bar Pro Bono Program (revised 7-2012) Complaint for Absolute Divorce Page 4 of 7
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 18, b ut I am no t asking the court to decide custody at this time.
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 18, and we ha ve a written agreement about custod y; I am not asking the court
to decide custody at this time.
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 18, and I am as king the co urt to decide custody. I h ave completed and attached
the additional information required on Attachment B, which I inco rporate into this
Child Support
10. I state the following about my request for child support: [CHECK ONE]
My spouse and I do not have any children together (t hrough birth or adoption), or our
children together are o ver the age of 21 years and are not adult disabled children.
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 21 or who are adult disabled children, but I am no t asking the Court to award
child support at this time.
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 21 or who are adult disabled children, and we have an agreement regarding
child support; that agreement is consistent with the Child Support Guideline of the
District o f Col umbia and/or it is fair and just.
My spouse and I do have children together (through birth o r adoption) who are und er
the age of 21 or who are adult disabled children. I am asking the Court to award child
support, and I have completed and attached the additional information required on
Attachment C, which I incorporate into this Complaint.
11. I have included the following attachment(s): [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]
No attachments
Attachment A (Marital Propert y and/or Marital Debt)
Attachment B (Child Custody)
Attachment C (Child Support)