www.PathPoint.org/AssistiveTechnology 25
Individual Environment
Task & Tools (IETT)
The Individual Environment Task & Tools
(IETT) is an assessment that looks at the
person’s current use of technology, tasks
the person wants to complete, and the
environment or setting for those tasks.
Once this has been determined, the IETT
identies specic tools or technology that
can be used to achieve a person’s goal in a
specic environment. A separate IETT can
be completed for each environment and
compared to see where there are similar
and dierent goals.
• This tool is ongoing and should
be updated and revisited
• Use as a tool to help you stay
on track
• You can ll out one IETT per
The Individual Environment Task & Tools (IETT) helped Sara and
her sta identify where to start when rst beginning this project.
It helped them get a better understanding of Sara’s support team
and helped assign responsibilities. Sara was able to participate
in her own plan and advocate for the things she wants to do and
what is important to/for her. This is a living document that can be
updated as situations in Sara’s environment change.
How Sara used the IETT
For more information visit:
Joy Zabala SETT Framework