Libro Genealógico del Caballo de P.R.E., Edificio Indotorre - Avda. del Reino Unido, 11 - Planta 3ª, Módulo 2, C P. 41012 – Sevilla
www lgancce com
e-mail: – Phone: +34 954 975 480 - Fax: +34 954 975 458 Form updated in November 2018
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Mr./Ms.____________________________________, with ID/PASSPORT Nº
__________________ as the owner of the Stud Farm __________________whose code
The PRE Stud Book (LG PRE) to change the name of the owner of the Stud Farm indicated
above into the name of Mr. /Ms. ___________________________, with ID/ Passport
__________________ as of the date __________________, thus maintaining the name of
the Stud Farm, Stud Farm Code and Brand associated with said Stud Farm.
To this end, I have signed this request and have attached a photocopy of my ID/
Passport/Driver’s License.
In the city of _______________________ on the _______ of __________ de 20 ____.
Signature: __________________
Basic Data Protection Information:
Responsible for data processing: National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association.
Objective of this data processing: Manage Association services and handle administration, fiscal and accounting processes of its members and
breeders while providing timely information about ANCCE events, activities and services using a range of methods, including electronic means. The
name of your stud farm, breeder code and brand will be published on the various ANCCE web sites for consultation relative to your condition as a
Legitimation of this data processing: Legitimate interest.
Beneficiary: Your information and data may be turned over to the Ministries of Agriculture and Internal Revenue, as well as any other public
administration hat may so require as established by the laws of Spain. Information relative to your condition as a breeder may be published on he
ANCCE web sites. We are working with email providers and outsources postal/messenger services involved in the international transfer of data, in
which case we will adopt the necessary guarantees to protect your information. You may consult these suppliers at
Rights: You have the right to access, change or eliminate data, as well as other rights, which are detailed in the additional information section.
Additional information: You may consult additional and more detailed information about Protection of Data at
or at
I have read and accept the specifics detailed in the section titled Basic Information Regarding Data Protection.