DCD Building Site Plan
Requirements Checklist
General Information
Tax ID Number and Property Address (if assigned)
North Arrow
Scale Listed (see scale standards above)
Property elevations - Contours at five-foot intervals
Property lines and dimensions
Include symbol legend
Easements and abutting roads on or adjacent to the property,
showing road names, edge of existing pavement or gravel, and any
ditches or stormwater pipes
Name, date, and contact information of site plan designer
Project Information
Dimensions, locations, and use of all existing and proposed
Building setbacks and dimensions using a dashed line around the
entire property
Dimensions and locations of mechanical equipment that is not
a structure, such as propane tanks, generators, etc.
Label the boundaries of land disturbing activity
(also known as clearing limits), or write “No Clearing” directly on the
site plan
Locations of all existing and proposed water, sewer and utility lines
Locations of existing and proposed on-site wells, including 100well
Locations of existing and proposed on-site septic area, including 10-
foot No Build Zone if applicable
This checklist below can be used when preparing your building site plan. It is an optional
submittal item that can assist you in accurately reflecting all required building site plan elements.
For each item listed, place a check-mark in the "Shown" or "N/A" column.
Kitsap County Department of Community Development
614 Division Street, MS-36
Port Orchard, WA 98366-4682
Revision Date: 07/29/2020
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Flow arrows showing direction of natural drainage
Locations of existing and proposed storm drainage facility or
mitigation methods and roof drainpipes and clean outs
(ex infiltration pits, dispersion trenches)
Locations and dimensions of all existing and proposed hard surface
areas, including parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, and road
Critical Areas
Wetlands boundaries and the proposed buffers/setbacks per
KCC 19.200.220
Habitat Conservation Area (including streams) and the
proposed buffers/setbacks per KCC 19.300.315
Geologic Hazard Areas with slopes that exceed 15%, showing
setbacks from top and toe of the slope, and any associated
buffer areas per KCC 19.400.435
Flood Hazard Area Boundary (Reference maps available
through Kitsap County Parcel Search or FEMA)
Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Boundary (Reference maps
available through Kitsap County Parcel Search)
Locations of existing open spaces and perimeter buffers, as required
by a previous land use actions, as applicable
Location of shoreline and the ordinary high water mark (OHWM),
as defined in KCC 22.150.465
Proposed setback (distance) from OHWM
Location of standard buffer measured from OHWM, per
KCC 22.400.120.B.1
Location of reduced standard buffer per KCC 22.400.120.B.2
measured from OHWM (only required if any development activity
takes place below the standard buffer)
Shoreline structure setback (distance) line and view line, as
defined in KCC 22.400.135
Locations of existing structures on adjacent (neighboring) shoreline
If you have any questions regarding these building site plan requirements, please contact
the Kitsap County Department of Community Development at 360.337.5777 or
Kitsap County Department of Community Development
614 Division Street, MS-36
Port Orchard, WA
Revision Date: 07/29/2020
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