State Rehabilitation Tax Credit Application
Additional Ownership Form
If the ownership entity for the property undergoing rehabilitation is a pass through entity or comprised of multiple owners, please fill out
the following form to identify the shareholders, partners or members and additional owners. In the case of an LLC, any Tax Credit
Certificates will be issued to the pass through entity, but any partners, shareholders, members or owners, who may be utilizing the credits,
must be identified in order to have access to their portion of the credits. In the case of multiple owners with no organized entity, please list
each owner and their ownership percentage; credits will be awarded to each property owner based upon their percentage. Please include
an entry for each owner, partner, shareholder or members within the ownership or ownership entity (duplicate form as needed).
Property Name:
Legal Property Owner(s):
Name of Partner/Shareholder/Additional Owner:
Type of Entity:
□ Individual □ Corporation □ LLC/LP □ Bank □ Insurance □ Non-Profit
□ Government □ School Dist. □ University □ Fiduciary □ Other
Tax ID Number: SSN or FEIN (circle one) Ownership Percentage:
Street Address: City: State: Zip:
Daytime Phone: Email:
Name of Partner/Shareholder/Additional Owner:
Type of Entity:
□ Individual □ Corporation □ LLC/LP □ Bank □ Insurance □ Non-Profit
□ Government □ School Dist. □ University □ Fiduciary □ Other
Tax ID Number:
SSN or FEIN (circle one) Ownership Percentage:
Street Address: City: State: Zip:
Daytime Phone: Email:
Name of Partner/Shareholder/Additional Owner:
Type of Entity:
□ Individual □ Corporation □ LLC/LP □ Bank □ Insurance □ Non-Profit
□ Government □ School Dist. □ University □ Fiduciary □ Other
Tax ID Number: SSN or FEIN (circle one) Ownership Percentage:
Street Address: City: State: Zip:
Daytime Phone: Email: