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Eighth Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Eighth Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
Eighth Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Week 1: After the War/Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Week 2: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do/Blockades,
Bombs, and Bolsheviks
Week 3: Blockades, Bombs, and Bolsheviks/The
Great and Mighty Empire
Week 4: The Great and Mighty Empire/The Tiny
Nation That Could
Week 5: The Celestial Empire/Strife and Sacrifice
Week 6: Strife and Sacrifice/Two Men of Influence
Week 7: Two Men of Influence/The People’s
Republic of China
Week 8: The People’s Republic of China/The
Forgotten War
Week 9: The Buck Stops Here/The Golden Decade
Week 10: The Golden Decade/I Like Ike
Week 11: I Like Ike/The Red Scare
Week 12: The Red Scare/Separate and Not So
Week 13: American in Camelot/Cuba
Week 14: Cuba/The Berlin Wall
Week 15: The Berlin Wall/Meanwhile in China
Week 16: Meanwhile in China/Lyndon B. Johnson
Week 17: Where No Man Has Gone Before/Come
Week 18: Come Together/The Swinging Sixties
Week 19: The Swinging Sixties/Nam
Week 20: Nam/Five Presidents and War
Week 21: Vietnam at Home/Righting Wrongs of 1968
Week 22: Righting Wrongs of 1968/Nixon’s Watergate
Week 23: Nixon’s Watergate/Presidents of the ‘70s
Week 24: Presidents of the ‘70s/The Middle East
Week 25: Terror/The Great Stagflation
Week 26: The Great Stagflation/”Gipper” and “41”
Week 27: “Gipper” and “41”/The Reagan Doctrine
Week 28: The Reagan Doctrine/It All Falls Down
Week 29: Challenger and Challenges/The Persian Gulf
Week 30: The Persian Gulf War/The Comeback Kid
Week 31: The Comeback Kid/It’s the ‘90s
Week 32: It’s the ‘90s, “43,” and the Hanging Chads
Week 33: One September Morning/The War on Terror
Week 34: The War on Terror/An Historic Election and
Week 35: An Historic Election and Beyond/Current
Events – Why Care?
Week 36: Current Events – Why Care?
*Page numbers provided correspond to the PDF page numbers and not the number at the bottom of
each page.