consideration of the recital and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledge, the parties agree as follows:
1. Contractor Responsibilities; Fees. Contractor will perform the Services to the reasonable
satisfaction of Client. Assuming such satisfactory performance, the Client shall pay
Contractor the amount set forth on Exhibit A within 30 days following the completion of the
Services by check or in such other form as the Client may require. Contractor is an
independent contractor and shall be solely and personally responsible for all federal, state and
local taxes, contributions and other liabilities with regard to such payments.
2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of this Agreement until completion
of the Services and payment therefor by the Client. Except for material breach of the
Agreement by the other party, this Agreement may not be terminated by either party except that
the Client may immediately terminate this Agreement upon the death or incapacity of
3. Ownership of Work Product. Contractor hereby sells, assigns, grants and transfers to the
Client all right, title and interest in any reports, documents, performances or other
copyrighted materials authored or created by Contractor for the Client pursuant to this
Agreement, including all copyrights, renewals and extensions thereof.
4. Relationship. The parties hereto are independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement shall
be understood or construed to create or imply any relationship between the parties in the nature
of any joint venture, employer/employee, principal/agent or partnership. Contractor shall in no
way become an employee of the Client pursuant to this Agreement. Neither party shall have the
authority to nor shall either party attempt to create or assume any obligation by or on behalf of
the other party.
This Professional Services Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of
the ____ day of ____________________, 20____ (the “Effective Date”), by and between
____________________ (“the Client”) and _______________________________________,
with an office located
at _______________________________________________________
(the Contractor”).
Client wishes to obtain the professional services of the Service Provider; and,
Service Provider has the knowledge, skill and capability to perform such
services for the Client.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties, intending to be legally bound,
hereby agree to
the following:
5. Expenses. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, all expenses
incurred by the parties shall be the sole responsibility of the party who ordered the service or
incurred the particular expense.
6. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may not be assigned without the written consent of the other
party. Contractor’s services are personal in nature and may not be assigned or delegated to any
other person. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the parties and
supersedes any prior oral or written understandings with respect to the Services. This Agreement
may only be amended by an agreement signed in writing by all of the parties hereto. Upon
execution, this Agreement will be a valid and binding obligation of each party and enforceable in
accordance with its terms. Contractor shall maintain insurance in such amounts and of such
types as are customarily held by persons engaged in the same or a similar kind of business
similarly situated.
Description of Services:
Required Deliverables, if Any:
Payment for Services: $________________
Date(s) for Services:
Date for Final Completion of Services:
Form Made Fillable by eForms