Cheryl Nelson
Hi, I’m Cheryl Nelson, and I’m running for the Nepenthe Board
of Directors. Board members are the representatives you
choose to serve the owners and residents, facilitate the efficient
and responsible operations of our community, and ensure the
growth, stability, and viability of our resources. Challenges and
opportunities lie ahead for Nepenthe – including finalizing the
water meter conversion, reducing water use while protecting
our landscape, and optimizing use of our facilities, for example.
I ask for your support and your vote to assist our community in
meeting challenges and seizing opportunities as they present
In the nine years I have lived here as an owner and landlord, I
have found a beautiful neighborhood and a thriving community
full of vision, energy, and friends. It has been my pleasure to
become actively involved in a variety of activities, projects, and
special events with varying groups, including the Outreach Committee. When that committee
went on COVID hiatus, I was a founding member of the “grass roots” group,
Neighbor2Neighbor. Our goal was to support community interaction through coffees, happy
hours, outdoor “meet and greets”, the 2021 holiday party, etc. I initiated the more family-
focused events, including our first Spring egg hunt, three Halloween events, and the first
“annual” 4th of July parade. In each case, participation far exceeded our expectations. Clearly,
we need and enjoy community!
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of California, Davis, and spent a
career on that campus with varied positions culminating as the Director of Client Services for
the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. During my career I handled budgets, problem
assessment and analysis, employee relations, information technology, client and media
communication, and problem negotiation and resolution. Outside my work career, I gained
experience through service on the Sacramento County Grand Jury and as a past member of
the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Genealogical Association. I remain involved with the
non-profit California Grand Jury Association as a juror trainer and on their committees. I enjoy
volunteering as a seminar leader and technical host with the Renaissance Society at CSUS.
However, I would be remiss if I did not recognize my family as the source of my greatest
fulfillment and joy.
My education, career, and volunteer work provide me with the experience and skills to assess
issues, consider varying points of view, and work collaboratively to make responsible decisions
for the good of the whole community. It would be both an honor and a pleasure to serve you as
a member of our Board of Directors.
The Nepenthe Association is not responsible the design or content of
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agreement with claims or proposals made in the statements.