WWM-004 (Rev. 07/14) Page 3 of 4
Has a determination been made by any other permitting agency that this project is a
Type I action pursuant to SEQRA?
Has a determination of Environmental Significance (Negative or Positive
Declaration) been issued by any other permitting agency for this project?
If yes, provide copy of determination and/or details.
Is the property located within or substantially contiguous to a locally or county
designated Critical Environmental Area (CEA) pursuant to Article 8 of the
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) and 6 NYCRR? The potential impact of
any Type I or Unlisted action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA is a
relevant area of environmental concern and must be evaluated in the determination
of significance prepared pursuant to Section 617.7 of SEQR.
Is the property located within the area designated Central Pine Barrens Core
Preservation Area pursuant to Article 57 of the ECL?
Is the project located in an area designated as “Parkland” or “Agricultural Land”?
If yes, show area on plans and/or explain:
Is any portion of the subject property in a “Coastal Erosion Hazard Area” (pursuant
to 6NYCRR Part 505) or subject to imminent erosion or flooding? Alternatively,
could the project have the potential to cause erosion, drainage or flooding problems
on adjacent or neighboring properties?
Will the completed project have an adverse effect on existing air quality, or routinely
produce odors, vibrations or operating noise which exceeds the local ambient noise
levels? If yes, explain:
Will there be an adverse effect to existing traffic patterns?
If yes, explain:
Has the property ever been used for the disposal or burial of solid waste or
hazardous waste? If yes, show area on plans and/or explain:
Are there any existing environmental factors which may affect the public health and
safety of the completed project’s occupants (for example, neighboring landfills,
petroleum spills, toxic materials, noise sources, odors, etc.)?
Will the proposed action affect any water sources, surface or groundwater quality
or quantity? Ex. Will action require:
Water supply from wells with greater than 45 gpm capacity
Water use in excess of 20,000 gpd
Storage of > 1,100 gallons of petroleum or chemical products
New or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities
Does the property contain any species of plant or animal life listed as rare,
threatened, or endangered by New York State, the New York State Natural Heritage
Will the project substantially affect any non-threatened or non-endangered species?
If yes, explain:
Is the property substantially contiguous to, or does it contain, a building, site or
district listed on the National or New York State Registers of Historic Places?
Could the project affect the community or neighborhood character or adversely
affect any aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, or other natural or cultural
resources? If yes, explain:
Have any unique or unusual landforms been identified on site?
If yes, explain: