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Certificate of Waiver Number 107W-2022-00223
11. The Responsible Person must ensure a copy of the operations manual is available to the remote PIC and
all other direct participants prior to and during sUAS operations that are the subject of this Waiver;
12. The Responsible Person listed on this Waiver must ensure each remote PIC who will conduct operations
under this Waiver is trained in a manner that addresses the items listed in § 107.49(a)-(e) and in a
manner that is consistent with how the sUAS will be operated under this Waiver. All training and
demonstration for all remote PICs and VOs (if used) must be documented and made available upon
request by the Administrator or an authorized representative. Training operations may only be conducted
under the standard requirements of part 107 (without waiver). The training must include:
a. sUA limitations,
b. sUA programming,
c. sUA operational procedures,
d. Abnormal procedures,
e. Air traffic avoidance procedures,
f. Crew Resource Management,
g. sUA flight training, and
h. Demonstration of sUA ground and flight skills;
13. Prior to operations under this Waiver, all Direct Participants must attend a safety briefing that addresses,
at minimum, the following items:
a. Designated positions, physical locations, responsibilities, and Crew Resource Management,
b. Planned flight operating area,
c. Designated launch and recovery areas,
d. Verification of geo-fence boundaries,
e. Verification of return home and land flight profile, and course,
f. Verification of emergency landing site(s), land profile, and course,
g. Procedures for avoidance of other aircraft, and
h. Procedures for operating under this Waiver;
14. Operations subject to this waiver must cease as soon as possible in a manner that does not jeopardize the
safety of human beings, property or other aircraft, if, at any time;
a. Safety of human beings or property on the ground or in the air is in jeopardy,
b. Any failure to comply with the provisions of this Waiver exists,
c. Full-duplex communications cannot be maintained between the remote PIC and any VO
participating in the operation,
d. A non-participating aircraft enters the designated flight operating area,
e. GPS signal is lost, or
f. sUA GPS location information is degraded;
15. No sUA flight that occurs under this waiver may carry the property of another for compensation or hire;
16. Operations conducted under this Waiver may only occur with the make and model sUAS described in
the waiver application Proposed operations of any other manufacturer, make or model of sUAS will
require a new waiver application or an request to amend this Waiver;
17. All sUAS operations conducted in accordance with this Waiver must adhere to all manufacturer
recommendations and limitations for the sUAS;