Resolution of Respect
in Loving Memory of
Though your days among us were too brief and our grief at your loss is never-
ending, we draw comfort from the knowledge that you have found safe refuge in
the Lord and in our hearts, where no darkness or pain can touch you now. We bless
you with love, light and our gratitude.
Whereas, of passed from this life
on , and
Whereas, the death of does not diminish the profound
benediction of a life lived in such Godly service, nor our admiration of and
affection for example, and
Whereas, faithfully attended God's most urgent admonition to
follow in the footsteps of the righteous, seek justice in all circumstances, and care
for the least among us as if they were the dearest, and
Whereas, was an active member of the Church
community for years and freely gave of time and energy as a
lay leader and a faithful member of the congregation, and
Whereas, in service as
for shared as well a bright, steady spirit and a
cheerful heart, and
Whereas, our beloved embraced the all-forgiving presence of
God from earliest days and strove to exhibit these same qualities of
compassion throughout an exemplary life, and
Whereas, the family and acquaintances of are deeply
saddened at departure, as are all who were touched by
generous spirit and kindnesses, and
Whereas, legacy of faith and service will continue to
inspire loved ones and every member of the congregation.
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of church or parish)
(Date: month, day, year)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased)
(Church name)
(specific volunteer contribution to church activities)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased’s)
Now therefore, be it resolved that we wish all who are now in mourning to take
comfort from the immortal words of the great poet Khalil Gibran:
"If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may
rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."
Therefore, be it further resolved that we bow to a greater Will than our own and
rest in the knowledge that one day we will be united with
again, in joy and in the fullness of God's mercy.
Humbly submitted in Faith and Appreciation
for the gift of our time with ,
on by .
Acknowledged by
on this day, .
(Name of deceased)
(Name of deceased)
(Name of presenter)
(presiding Church official)