I B. I W C E P S R
Check the appropriate box below that corresponds with the current temporary exemption (see 37 C.F.R. § 201.40) the petitioners
seek to renew. Please check only one box. If renewal of more than one exemption is sought, a separate petition must be submitted
for each one.
Motion Pictures (including television programs and videos):
Excerpts for educational purposes by college and university or K-12 faculty and students
Excerpts for educational purposes by faculty in massive open online courses (“MOOCs”)
Excerpts for educational purposes in digital and literacy programs oered by libraries, museums, and other nonprots
Excerpts for use in nonction multimedia e-books
Excerpts for use in documentary lmmaking or other lms where use is in parody or for a biographical or historically
signicant nature
Excerpts for use in noncommercial videos
For the provision of captioning and/or audio description by disability services oces or similar units at educational
institutions for students with disabilities
Literary Works:
Literary works distributed electronically (i.e., e-books), for use with assistive technologies for persons who are blind, visually
impaired, or have print disabilities
Literary works consisting of compilations of data generated by implanted medical devices and corresponding personal
monitoring systems, to access personal data
Computer Programs and Video Games:
Computer programs that operate cellphones, tablets, mobile hotspots, or wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches), to allow
connection of a new or used device to an alternative wireless network (“unlocking”)
Computer programs that operate smartphones, tablets and other all-purpose mobile computing devices, smart TVs, or voice
assistant devices to allow the device to interoperate with or to remove software applications (“jailbreaking”)
Computer programs that control motorized land vehicles, including farm equipment, for purposes of diagnosis, repair, or
modication of the vehicle, including to access diagnostic data
Computer programs that control smartphones, home appliances, or home systems, for diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of
the device or system
Computer programs for purposes of good-faith security research
Computer programs other than video games, for the preservation of computer programs and computer program-dependent
materials by libraries, archives, and museums
Video games for which outside server support has been discontinued, to allow individual play by gamers and preservation of
games by libraries, archives, and museums (as well as necessary jailbreaking of console computer code for preservation uses
only), and discontinued video games that never required server support, for preservation by libraries, archives, and museums
Computer programs that operate 3D printers, to allow use of alternative feedstock