Petition for New Exemption Under 17 U.S.C. § 1201
8th Triennial Rulemaking
Please submit a separate petition for each proposed exemption.
: Use this form if you are seeking to engage in activities not currently permitted by an existing exemption. If you are seeking to
engage in activities that are permitted by a current exemption, instead of submitting this form, you may submit a petition to renew
that exemption using the form available at https://www.copyright.gov/1201/2021/renewal-petition.pdf.
If you are seeking to expand a current exemption, we recommend that you submit both a petition to renew the current exemption,
and, separately, a petition for a new exemption using this form that identies the current exemption, and addresses only those
issues relevant to the proposed expansion of that exemption.
Item A. Petitioners and Contact Information
Please identify the petitioners and provide a means to contact the petitioners and/or their representatives, if any. The “petitioner” is
the individual or entity proposing the exemption.
U.S. Copyright Oce · Library of Congress · 101 Independence Avenue SE · Washington, DC 20557-6400 · www.copyright.gov
06 ⁄ 2020
Privacy Act Advisory Statement: Required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579)
e authority for requesting this information is 17 U.S.C. §§ 1201(a)(1) and 705. Furnishing the requested information is voluntary. e principal use of the requested information is publication on the
Copyright Oce website and use by Copyright Oce sta for purposes of the rulemaking proceeding conducted pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1). NOTE: No other advisory statement will be given in
connection with this application. Please keep this statement and refer to it if we communicate with you regarding this petition.
Item B. Description of Proposed New Exemption
Provide a brief statement explaining the nature of the proposed new or expanded exemption. The information that would be most
helpful to the Oce includes the following, to the extent relevant: (1) the types of copyrighted works that need to be accessed; (2)
the physical media or devices on which the works are stored or the services through which the works are accessed; (3) the purposes
for which the works need to be accessed; (4) the types of users who want access; and (5) the barriers that currently exist or which are
likely to exist in the near future preventing these users from obtaining access to the relevant copyrighted works.
Petitioners need not propose precise regulatory language or fully dene the contours of an exemption class. Rather, a short, plain
statement describing the nature of the activities the petitioners wish to engage in will be sucient, as proponents will have the
opportunity to further rene or expound upon their initial petitions during later phases of the rulemaking. The Oce anticipates
that in many cases petitioners will be able to adequately describe in plain terms the relevant information in a few sentences, or
even a single sentence, as with the examples below.
A proposed exemption for circumvention of technological protection measures on firmware in video game consoles to
allow use of assistive technologies that provide accessibility for persons with disabilities.
A proposed expansion of the current exemption for circumvention of technological protection measures on computer
programs for purposes of software preservation. The expansion sought is to add colleges and universities to the
class of beneficiaries.
Item B. Description of Proposed New Exemption (cont’d)
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