   
Initial Notice of Distribution of
Digital Audio Recording Devices or
Digital Audio Recording Media
1 Legal name of
manufacturer: (
Check the applicable box
2 Mailing address of importer⁄ manufacturer:
  ,  , ⁄ 
/ / /  
1 Business name of importer⁄manufacturer (
if dierent
2 Mailing address (if dierent):
  ,  , / 
/ / / 
3 Trade names, trademarks, or like indicia of origin presently used or intended to be used in the future:
Product category⁄technology Date of distribution
Use a separate sheet of paper if additional space is needed.
orter or m
anufacturer other than a corporation or partnership:
I am the importer or manufacturer identied in space A, line 1, under “legal name.
Principal of importer or manufacturer other than a corporation or partnership:
I am the duly authorized agent of the importer or manufacturer identied in space A, line 1, under “legal name.
Ocer or partner:
I am an ocer (
if a corporation
) or a partner (
if a partnership
) of the legal entity identied in space A, line 1.
  
    
 ()  
  
Date received:
Privacy Act Notice: Chapter 10 of title 17, United States Code, authorizes the Copyright Oce to collect the personally identifying information (PII) requested on this form in order to
process your initial notice. PII is any personal information that can be used to identify or contact an individual, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers. By providing your
PII, you are agreeing to this routine use of it. The eects of not providing the PII requested are that it may delay processing of your initial notice, and it may aect the legal suciency
of the ling, a determination that would be made by a court of law.
Use This Form If:
You are an importer or manufacturer of a digital audio recording
device or a digital audio recording medium, and
You have distributed the device or medium in the United States on
or after October 28, 1992.
When to File
An initial notice must be recorded in the Copyright Office within 45
days after the commencement of the first distribution in the United
States of such devices or media.
An initial notice must be recorded in the Copyright Office within
45 days after the commencement of the first distribution in the
United States of a new product category or product utilizing new
The notice must be forwarded on the form provided by the Copyright
Office to: Library of Congress, Copyright Office-LD, 101 Independence
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20557-6400.
For additional forms or information, you may call the Licensing
Division at
707-8150 or email at licensing@copyright.gov .
Space A
Line 1 ·
Give the full legal name of the importer or manufacturer of
the digital audio recording device or digital recording medium. If the
importer or manufacturer is a partnership, give the name of the part-
nership followed by the name of at least one individual partner. If the
owner is a subsidiary of another corporation, give the full corporate title
of the subsidiary, not that of the parent corporation.
Line 2 ·
Provide the current mailing address of the importer or manu-
facturer listed in line 1.
Space B
Line 1 ·
List the business name used by the importer or manufacturer
if different from space A, line 1.
Line 2 ·
Give the mailing address if different from the mailing address
in space A, line 2.
Line 3 ·
List any trade names, trademarks, or like indicia of origin that
the manufacturer uses or intends to use in the future.
Space C
Provide the product category (e.g., portable personal recorder, boom
box, automobile recorder), technology utilized (e.g., DAT, DCC), and
the date of distribution for each product.
Space D
The notice must be signed in accordance with Copyright Office regula-
tions. A photocopied or stamped signature is not acceptable.
Privacy Act Advisory Statement
Required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579)
Authority for requesting this information:
Title 17,
, chapter 10
Furnishing this information is:
But if this information is not furnished:
It may be necessary to delay placement of the initial notice in the com-
pleted record.
You may be liable for civil or statutory damages for copyright infringement
with respect to the distribution of digital audio recording devices or media
Principal uses of requested information:
Preparation of detailed reports to the Copyright Royalty Board
Establishment and maintenance of a public record
Examination of the initial notice for compliance with legal requirement
   
Instructions for Filing an Initial Notice
 : / : xx/xxxx
•••• Printed on recycled paper U. S. Government Printing Oce: 2020-xxx-xxx