Parcipant Name:
The above Parcipant being eighteen (18) in age or older, or the Parent of the above Parcipant, who
is under age eighteen (18) in consideraon for being allowed by Laramie County Community College
(LCCC) to use the LCCC Recreaon & Athlec Center climbing wall located on the Cheyenne Campus,
and/or parcipate in programs or classes oered by LCCC ulizing the aforemenoned PE Building
Facility agrees as follows:
Parcipant acknowledges and is aware of the inherent risks, hazards and dangers of personal injury,
death and disability in the use of climbing wall, exercise equipment or exercising in the Facility.
Parcipant also understands that these risks, hazards and dangers are further increased when other
persons are using the same Facility.
Parcipant acknowledges that parcipaon in any programs or classes oered by LCCC ulizing
the Facility is strictly voluntary and despite the dangers which are an integral part of the Facility,
Parcipant chooses to voluntarily use the Facility; and/or parcipate in any programs or classes
oered by LCCC ulizing the Facility.
Parcipant ceres that he/she has read the LCCC safety rules regarding the Facility, and agrees
to abide by the rules and any further amendments. Parcipant agrees to comply with any specic
instrucon or request given by LCCC sta
I hereby cerfy that I am over 18 years of age or the Parent of the above Parcipant, who is under
the age of 18. I have carefully read the foregoing and acknowledge that I understand and agree to all
of the above terms and condions. I have had the opportunity to ask any and all quesons regarding
this Waiver. I am aware that by signing this Waiver, I assume all risks and waive and release certain
substanal rights that I may have. I acknowledge that this Waiver/Agreement is binding upon myself,
my heirs, executors, administrators, and representaves in the event of my death or incapacity.
Parcipants Name:
Parcipants Parents Name (if applicable):
Address: City: ZIP:
Phone: Cell Phone: Email:
Emergency Contact: Phone:
As parent or legal guardian I hereby conrm I am the parent or guardian, acknowledge and
agree to the terms and condions of this certain waiver.
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian of Minor Date
PRS 619 8/19
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