Wind Energy Technology Program Statement of Understanding
Wind Energy courses have a certain element of physical activities that are mandatory. These
activities include climbing vertical and sloped surfaces, hanging in a full body harness, using
mechanical advantage rope systems to pull loads, walking at heights and standing on hard
surfaces for extended periods of time. Furthermore, wind energy technicians are expected to:
√ Beabletoworkinandpromoteasafeenvironment
√ Beabletoclimb300footladdersandworkatthiselevation
√ Beabletoworkinadverseweatherconditions
√ Beabletoworkinconfinedspaces
√ Beabletofollowexactinstructions
√ Beabletoworkunderminimalsupervision
√ Beabletoworkwithpeopleinateam-orientedenvironment
√ Beproficientwithcomputersandstandardsoftwareapplications
√ Bepreparedtoworkwithelectricalhazards
√ Bepreparedforpossiblerelocationandworkinginremoteareas
√ Bewillingtoworkovertimeandweekendsandbeoncall24/7asassigned
√ Havetheabilitytolift50pounds
√ Haveanaptitudeformechanicalandelectricaltroubleshooting
√ Haveahighschooldiplomaorequivalent
Be aware that when you seek employment, industry expectations are as follows:
√ Beabletopassadrugtest
√ Beabletopassabackgroundcheck
√ Haveavaliddriver’slicense
√ Haveacleandrivingrecord
√ IunderstandthatifIhavebeenconvictedofafelony,
By signing below and submitting this application, I hereby certify that I have read and
understand the expectations of a wind energy technician and I have no conditions that
preclude me from safely and effectively performing all the functions required of me as a wind
energy student.
______________________________________ _____________________________ ___________
Print Name Signature Date
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