Public Comment Form
Cascade County Public Works Department Planning Division
121 4
St N, Suite 2H-2I Great Falls, MT 59401
Phone: 406-454-6905 | Fax: 406-454-6919
This form is for providing public comment to the Cascade County Planning Division for review by any one or
more of the following review and/or approval boards: Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBOA), Planning Board, or
Board of County Commissioners. Only complete submissions will be included for board review. Please provide
the relevant information for each section below. A complete submission provides all of the following:
commenter name and address, comment subject, and commentary on the subject issue(s). If additional space
is needed for commentary, please attach additional sheets to this form. Completed forms may be submitted in
person at the Planning Division office or by email at
Commenter Information
Complete Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Comment Subject (please check one):
☐ Special Use Permit Application ☐ Subdivision ☐ Zoning Text and/or Map Amendment
☐ Growth Policy ☐ Variance ☐ Floodplain Regulation Amendment
☐ Subdivision Regulation Amendment ☐ County Road Abandonment/ Discontinuation of County Street
☐ Other (describe): ______________________________________________________________________