Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Mental Health
Authorization for Release of Psychotherapy Notes
Two Way
PN v. 2018 07
Page 1 of 2
1. Patient/Applicant Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Other Names: ________________________________________________________________
Street: ________________________________________________ APT.#: _____________
/Town: ____________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: _________
Social Security #:___________________ Date of Birth: __________________________
Phone : __________________________
2. Authorization to Release: I authorize the Department of Mental Health (DMH) to receive and
release Psychotherapy Notes, from or to the Person, Agency or Facility named below, either
verbally or in writing.
Person, Agency or Facility (e.g., name and
address of hospital, outpatient provider,
residential program, other)
Name: _____________________________
Attention: ___________________________
City/Town: __________________________
State/Zip Code: ______________________
Phone: _____________________________
Fax: _______________________________
DMH Contact Information:
Name: _____________________________
City/Town: __________________________
State/Zip Code: ______________________
Phone: _____________________________
Fax: _______________________________
Email: ______________________________
3. Dates of the psychotherapy notes you want shared: (Specify dates)
Dates of Requested Information: From: _______________ To: _______________
4. Purpose of the Release: (must check one)
Personal Use Coordinate care Referral Facilitate billing
Obtain insurance, financial or other benefits
Other purpose (please specify below):
I understand that:
I have a right to revoke this authorization at any time.
If I revoke this authorization, I must do so in writing and present it to DMH at the DM
address identified above or the DMH office in my area. (Find DMH area offices at; call 1-800-221-0053; or email
The revocation will not apply to information that has already been released pursuant to this
The revocation will not apply to my insurance company when the law provides my insurer
with the right to contest a claim under my policy.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Mental Health
Authorization for Release of
Psychotherapy Notes
Two Way
PN v. 2018 07
Page 2 of 2
Patient/Applicant Name: _______________________________________________________
I understand that:
nce the above information is released, the recipient may redisclose it and the information
may not be protected by federal or state privacy laws or regulations.
Authorizing the disclosure of the information identified above is voluntary.
I need not sign this form to receive treatment or services from DMH and/or the other nam
person, facility or agency; however, lack of ability to share or obtain information may prevent
DMH, and/or the other named person, facility or agency, from providing appropriate and
necessary care.
This authorization will expire (specify a date, time period or an event) __________________or,
if nothing is specified, it will expire one year from date of signing.
5. Signature / Authorization: Sign and provide information as required below.
X _____________________________________________ __________________
Your signature or Personal Representative’s signature Date
Print name of signer
The following information is needed if signed by a personal representative:
Type of authority (e.g., court appointed, custodial parent): _____________________________