Massachusetts Freight Plan
Appendix A. Proposed Projects Using NHFP Funds
Table 6.1 Projects Proposed to Use National Highway Freight Program Funds, 2019 -2023
Total federal
project cost
Federal NHFP Funds Programmed
Federal NHFP Funds Allocated
The Capital Investment Plan (CIP) serves as the definitive
capital planning document for MassDOT. The CIP is the annual
prioritized list of all projects using all sources of available
funding and should not be superseded by mode (or sector)-
specific planning documents that are developed on a five-year
Projects can take several years from conception to
programming and advertising. Once the Freight Plan is
approved by FHWA, it is expected that project engineers and
proponents will begin to design projects that explicitly fulfill the
strategies outlined in the Freight Plan.
In the meantime, those projects currently programmed in the
CIP that best meet the goals of the draft Freight Plan were
selected to use National Highway Freight Program NHFP
funding, based on their location on roadway segments
designated as Critical Urban Freight Corridors or Critical Rural
Freight Corridors by the MPOs, with concurrence from
Each MPO used its own analysis and discretion to designate
their limited mileage allotments in an effort to address their
greatest regional freight needs. By programming these projects
using a mix of NHFP and other funds, MassDOT will be
advancing projects on the roadway segments deemed most
critical to freight needs by the MPOs. Each project was
additionally screened to make sure it met at least one statutory
requirement for use of NHFP funds. The project list will be
updated annually following the development of the STIP and
The CIP can be found at:
The STIP can be found at: