The Erosion Control Bond is due prior to the issuance of a Land Disturbance Permit. All other bonds and
paperwork are due prior to project closeout/issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
Erosion Control Bond
Prior to issua
nce of the Land Disturbance Permit, the applicant shall post a bond in the form of government security,
cash, irrevocable letter of credit, or any combination thereof, of $3,000.00 per acre or fraction thereof of the proposed
land-disturbing activity. The bond must be issued by a licensed surety with power of attorney in the state. The bond
shall be in force until the developer can demonstrate that all disturbed areas are stabilized and covered with one
season's growth of permanent vegetation per inspection by the City’s authorized erosion control agent.
Green Building Certification Fee
he applicant of a building 20,000 sf or greater shall pay a fee to ensure successful completion of the green building
certification as set forth in the code. Upon certification, the fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant. The fee for
buildings 20,000-50,000 sf is $0.26/sf; the fee for buildings over 50,000 sf is $17,500.
Performance Bond (incomplete roads, sidewalks, and landscape)
Prior to appr
oval of a final plat or issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the developer or owner shall provide As-Built
Drawings and, if necessary, post a performance bond or cash escrow guaranteeing installation of all site
development infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, landscaping and streetscape that may not be complete prior to
approval of a final plat or certificate of occupancy. The bond will be in the amount of 150 percent of the estimated
cost of all unfinished work and materials required by City Ordinances and the approved site development and
construction plans. Bond submittal shall be accompanied by a calculation of all required improvements to
justify bond amount. Following a notice of completion by the owner or developer, the City Manager or his/her
designee shall make an inspection and notify the owner or developer and the bond company of final acceptance or
require any corrections to be made prior to bond release.
Maintenance Bond (roads, sidewalks, and landscape)
Prior to issua
nce of a certificate of occupancy, the developer or owner shall post a maintenance bond or cash escrow
guaranteeing all roads, sidewalks, and landscaping materials and work for a period of 24 months after approval or
acceptance thereof by the City. The bond will be in the amount of 60 percent of the estimated cost of replacing all
of the roads, sidewalks, and landscaping required by code. Bond submittal shall be accompanied by a
calculation of all required improvements to justify bond amount. At the end of 24 months, the City Manager
shall make an inspection and notify the owner or developer and the bond company of acceptance or any corrections
to be made prior to bond release.
Stormwater Maintenance Bond (detention ponds)
Prior to issua
nce of a certificate of occupancy, the developer or owner shall post a maintenance/performance bond
for the project’s stormwater management measures in the amount of five dollars ($5) per cubic foot of storage
provided shall be required for a 24-month period. Bond submittal shall be accompanied by a calculation of
storage to justify bond amount. This bond shall be presented to the City along with a stormwater maintenance
agreement. At the end of 24 months, the City Manager shall make an inspection and notify the owner or developer
and the bond company of acceptance or any corrections to be made prior to bond release.
Recorded Stormwater Maintenance Agreement (detention ponds)
Prior to issua
nce of a certificate of occupancy, the developer or owner shall complete a Stormwater Maintenance
Agreement for the project’s stormwater management measures. The draft agreement shall be modified to reflect the
designs of the subject project and shall include all required signatures. Once approved, the Agreement shall be
recorded at DeKalb Superior Court and returned to the City.
Stormwater As-builts (detention ponds)
One sign
ed and sealed PDF copy of the Stormwater as-built drawing (plan and profile) for storm water drainage
structures and piping shall be submitted for review by the City Engineer. The drawings shall be approved by the City
Engineer prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Confirmation of recorded easements
y easements required per the UDO or other development procedures shall be recorded and one TIFF electronic
copy submitted to the City prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy or project closeout.