Submit completed form to: or (for international students only)
Program Change Request Form
In most cases, students who wish to change their graduate program must submit an admission application for the new
program. If the current program and proposed program are housed in the same academic department, this form may be used
to request a program change without the requirement of a new admission application. Contact to
determine if you are eligible to submit this form.
Student Information:
Student name:
Student ID:
Advisor/Faculty Mentor:
NAU Email:
Department Chair/Director:
Current program (e.g., Biology, PHD):
Program Change information:
Proposed degree program (e.g., Biology, MS):
Emphasis, if applicable:
Student signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________
*International students only: Proof of ISSS advising is required before this form may be submitted.
ISSS advisor printed name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________
ISSS advisor signature: ________________________________________
Advisor/Faculty Mentor printed name:____________________________________ Date: ___________
Advisor/Faculty Mentor signature:____________________________________
Department Chair/Director printed name:_________________________________ Date: ____________
Department Chair/Director signature:_________________________________
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