Submit completed form to: GradAdmissions@nau.edu or GradInternational@nau.edu (for international students only)
Master’s in Passing Request Form
To be eligible, students must meet all university requirements (Policy 100811: Requirements for Master’s Degrees), be in good
academic standing (Policy 100319: Academic Continuation, Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission), and have successfully
completed all master’s degree requirements in the NAU Academic Catalog. Please note that a Master’s in Passing may affect
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) with Financial Aid. Please contact the Department of Scholarships and Financial Aid
for further information.
Student Information:
Department Chair/Director:
Current doctoral program (e.g., Biology, PHD):
Master’s in Passing information:
Proposed master’s degree (e.g., Biology, MS):
Expected graduation term for the master’s degree (e.g., Spring 2021):
Student signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________
*International students only: Proof of ISSS advising is required before this form may be submitted.
ISSS advisor printed name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________
ISSS advisor signature: ________________________________________
Is the student required to complete a thesis for the master’s degree? Yes No
Master’s level comprehensive exams may be waived if the student successfully passed their doctoral comprehensive exams. If
this requirement will be waived, indicate the date on which the doctoral comprehensive exam was successfully completed:
Approval of this form indicates that the student has met, or will meet, all master’s degree requirements before the end of the
expected graduation term indicated above.
Advisor/Faculty Mentor printed name:____________________________________ Date: ___________
Advisor/Faculty Mentor signature:____________________________________
Department Chair/Director printed name:_________________________________ Date: ____________
Department Chair/Director signature:_________________________________
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