Last, First, M.______________________________________________________________________M/F D.O.B.___/___/_______
Preferred Phone #: (____)______-__________Email: _____________________________________@_______________________
Please let the doctor know what issues you are having with your eyes or vision today? Please briefly explain.
(This section must be filled out. The following examples are medical issues: floaters, flashes, dry eye, glaucoma, diabetes, macular or
retinal issues, red eye, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, discomfort, foreign body, headaches, high risk medication exams, cataracts, bleeding,
binocular vision issues, tracking issues, amblyopia, strabismus)
Are you here for your annual exam? □Yes □ No
Are you interested in new glasses, frames, or lenses? □Yes □ No □Maybe
Do you wear contact lenses? □ Yes □ No
If you do not currently wear contact lenses, are you interested in contact lenses? □Yes □ No □Maybe
Height ____Ft______inches Weight____________lbs Primary care physician __________________________
Are you diabetic? □Yes □No Circle: Type 1 2 HbA1c: _____ Fasting Blood Sugar: _____ Treating Dr.: ___________
Are you on a high risk medication (Hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil, Tamoxifen) □Yes □No
Treating Dr.: ____________________
Do you have dry eyes? □ Yes □No
Would you like dry eye testing? □ Yes □No
Would you like glaucoma early detection screening today (age 50+) $45.50 (out of pocket) □ Yes □No
Would you like more information on macular degeneration EARLY detection screening? □Yes □No
(age 50+) $85 (billable to medical insurance and may require a separate visit)
Would you like more information on night vision testing? □Yes □No
(age 50+) $85 (billable to medical insurance and may require a separate visit)
Are you here for a visual therapy evaluation? □Yes □No
Your insurance is designed to cover a basic or wellness eye exam. It does not cover advanced screening tools such as the
Optomap. The doctors would like for all their patients to have an Optomap screening annually to aid in the detection of
disease in the back of the eye. Screenings are $45.50. In some cases, your doctor is required to dilate the eye(s) as well,
including, but not limited to diabetes, macular degeneration, flashes, floaters, ocular trauma, and post surgery. If a medical
diagnosis is found on the Optomap screening, you may elect to have it sent to your medical insurance for possible coverage.
Many insurances cover retinal photography, but I understand that if my medical insurance does not, I will be responsible for
the charges. Circle one: Optomap Dilation (You must make a selection) INITIAL__________
I give my permission for Premier Eyecare, Doctors of Optometry. To release/dispense my medical records, insurance
information, billing statements, prescriptions, contact lens, and/or eyeglasses to the following person(s) listed below. I
understand that it is my responsibility to follow-up with the person(s) listed below to receive the reports or item. I understand
the provider is not responsible for loss, stolen, or misuse of information or items released to the person(s) listed below. I
understand if my records are subpoenaed by law, that the provider must furnish medical reports and billing. You may also
request a restriction on disclosure of protected health information to a health plan for purpose of payment or health care
operations if you paid for the services, at the time of the services, out of your own pocket in full. This does not apply to
services covered by insurance. Please release to: (This includes spouses, parents, schools, or other health care professionals.)
(1)___________________________________________________ Relationship _________________________
Print_________________________________________________________Relationship (if not self)___________________
Patient(self)/Legal Guardian