Pastor Performance Review Form
Evaluation of Pastor ____________________________
Please rank the performance of the pastor in the categories below. The evaluation should reflect
the typical performance rather than the occasional, isolated performance. Completed forms
should be submitted by Sunday, September 27, in a confidential, sealed envelope and placed in
the Personnel Committee mailbox in the church office.
1 = Need improvement
2 = Commendable
3 = Outstanding
NA = Not familiar with performance in this area
1. Pastoral Ministry--Please circle one number in each line
a. Communication skills 1 2 3 NA
b. Listening skills 1 2 3 NA
c. Counseling skills 1 2 3 NA
d. Crisis ministry 1 2 3 NA
e. Hospital visitation 1 2 3 NA
f. Visitation of shut-ins 1 2 3 NA
g. Visitation of church members 1 2 3 NA
h. Grief follow-up ministry 1 2 3 NA
i. Conduct of weddings and funerals 1 2 3 NA
j. Teaching skills (Bible studies, adult SS, 1 2 3 NA
confirmation, etc.)
2. Pulpit/Worship Ministry
a. Planning of worship services 1 2 3 NA
b. Sermon content (theology and mission) 1 2 3 NA
c. Sermon delivery 1 2 3 NA
d. Involvement of staff and church members 1 2 3 NA
e. Encourages spirit of hospitality 1 2 3 NA
Print Form
3. Church Administration
a. Leadership of church staff/volunteers 1 2 3 NA
b. Assistance to council, committees, church officers, 1 2 3 NA
church organizations
c. Organization skills 1 2 3 NA
d. Timeliness in correspondence 1 2 3 NA
e. Response to telephone calls, e-mails 1 2 3 NA
f. Delegation skills 1 2 3 NA
4. Personal Qualities
a. People skills 1 2 3 NA
b. Balance of personal and professional life 1 2 3 NA
c. Spiritual health 1 2 3 NA
d. Commitment to personal/professional growth 1 2 3 NA
e. Punctuality 1 2 3 NA
5. Community/Denominational Participation
a. Participation in local Lutheran Conference 1 2 3 NA
b. Participation in synodical activities 1 2 3 NA
c. Participation in local clergy association 1 2 3 NA
d Promotion and worker for justice 1 2 3 NA
6. Evangelism leadership
a. Commitment to evangelistic visitation/training 1 2 3 NA
b. Commitment to evangelism in the church 1 2 3 NA
Narrative evaluation
1. What strengths are most evident in the service/ministry of the pastor?
2. What growth areas are most evident in the service/ministry of the pastor?
3. How do you evaluate the overall effectiveness and potential of the pastor in his current role?
5. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the pastor in leading the church to fulfill its
purpose and mission?
6. What constructive suggestions do you wish to communicate to the pastor?
Please check the category that most applies to you:
____Council Member ____Committee Member ____Committee Chair ____Congregation Member
____Other: please note here:_____________________________
________________________________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
While your signature is not required, it is requested. All names will remain confidential; however, summary
comments will be shared with the pastor. Please submit your evaluation form by Sunday, September 27, in an
envelope marked “confidential” in the Personnel Committee mailbox in the church office.